Report: 8.9% of America’s Bridges are “Structurally Deficient” 심각한 미국의 노후 교량 문제
Report: 8.9% of America’s Bridges are “Structurally Deficient”
February 12, 2018 Shane Hedmond
With over 612,000 bridges across the United States a large emphasis must be placed on maintaining and replacing them each year. We’ve been hearing the narrative surrounding “America’s failing infrastructure” for several years now, but there’s still a lot of progress to be made.
The High Trestle Bridge in Madrid, Iowa FLICKR/PHIL ROEDER/Government Technology
심각한 미국의 노후 교량 문제
미국 전역에는 총61만2천개의 교량이 있다.
하지만 노후화로 인해 매년 유지관리와 교체 요구가 빗발치고 잇다.
조사에 따르면 미국 교량 중 8.9%로가 구조적인 문제가 있다고 발표됐다.
구조적 문제라는 것은 교량의 본질적인 기능을 상실할 수도 있다는 의미다.
수년간이나 미국의 인프라 정책의 과오를 놓고 설왕설래하고 있지만
이를 극복하기 위해서는 많은 예산 상의 제한과 절차가 기다리고 있다.
트럼프는 이달 12일 총 1조5천억 달러에 달하는 인프라 건설을 추진한다고 최종 발표했다.
하지만 이런 상황을 감안하면 오히려 배정 예산액은 너무 적은 것이라는 의견이 지배적이다.
아래 구조적 문제가 가장 심한 주 순위에는
아이오와주가 5천개가 넘는 노후 교량으로 1위를 차지하고 있으며 가장 위험한 노후 교량
최다 보유 주는 로드아일랜드주로 전체 교량 중 무려 23%를 차지하고 있다.
VIDEO: Trump’s Infrastructure Plan Puts Burden on State and Private Money
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator
In President Trump’s recent State of the Union Address, he again emphasized a push for $1.5 trillion in investments for infrastructure. Whether or not that amount of money actually gets spent on our roads, highways, and bridges remains to be seen, but the announcement has many in the construction industry applauding the focus.
So what actually needs to be fixed in this country? According to a new report from the American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA), there are currently 54,259 of the country’s 612,677 bridges that are rated “structurally deficient.” The term signifies that there are “one or more structural defects that require attention.” A total of 226,837, or 37%, of the bridges also have repair needs that have been identified.
In 2016, there were a reported 55,710 bridges that were rated structurally deficient, so there’s only been a modest improvement since that time. At the current pace, the ARTBA estimates that it would take 37 years to fix all of the problematic bridges. The group also estimates that the trucking industry alone loses $60 billion per year due to lost productivity and fuel caused by traffic bottlenecks.
Rhode Island's Crumbling Infrastructure
RI's roads and bridges have been ranked among the worst in the country for years. A good example of
that is this bridge, which carries traffic between Providence and the East Bay.
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The states with the most structurally deficient bridges are:
1. Iowa – 5,067
2. Pennsylvania – 4,173
3. Oklahoma – 3,234
4. Missouri – 3,086
5. Illinois – 2,303
The states with the highest percentage of structurally deficient bridges are:
1. Rhode Island – 23%
2. Iowa – 21%
3. West Virginia – 19%
4. South Dakota – 19%
5. Pennsylvania – 18%
Washington DC (8), Nevada (31), Delaware (39), Hawaii (66), and Utah (87) have the least amount of deficient bridges on the list.
ARTBA has also released an interactive state map (screenshot of the map is above), if you’d like more information on the problematic bridges in your area. You can access that map on ARTBA's website by clicking here