Working Out While Sick: Good or Bad?

Working Out While Sick: Good or Bad?

Engaging in regular exercise is an excellent way to keep your body healthy.

Daily Burn

몸이 아플 때 운동은 몸에 좋을까 나쁠까

아래와 같은 증상 등에는 해도 좋다.

Mild Cold 약한 감기

Earache 귓병

Stuffy Nose 비한(코에서 땀이 나는 증상) 

mild sore throat. 목이 따끔한 증상


황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

In fact, working out has been shown to decrease the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease, help keep weight in check and boost the immune system (1, 2, 3).

While there is no doubt that exercise plays an important role in health, many people wonder if working out while sick will help or hinder their recovery.

However, the answer isn’t black and white.

This article explains why sometimes it’s ok to work out when you are sick, while other times it’s best to stay home and rest.


When It’s Safe to Exercise

Mild Cold


Stuffy Nose

Mild Sore Throat


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