The rise of the male midlife crisis: Why most men feel they lost their 'spark' before 47 - and how to get it back in 7 steps

The rise of the male midlife crisis: Why most men feel they lost their 'spark' before 47 - and how to get it back in 7 steps

A poll of 1,000 men aged 40 and above said found most hit an energy slump

The majority of men believe they experienced a mid-life crisis before 47 

Dr Meg Arroll, a psychologist for Healthspan, explains how to get your spark back

By Dr Megan Arroll For

PUBLISHED: 14:16 GMT, 28 December 2017

The male midlife crisis is often made fun of it but it can in fact be a distressing experience, a leading psychologist warns.

Midlife hits some men harder than others with some very real physical symptoms including depression and energy loss.

A poll of 1,000 men aged 40 and above said women are not alone when it comes to hitting a mid-life energy slump.

Over a third of men said they felt that they had lost their 'spark' when it comes to midlife and 58 percent stated that they have gone through a midlife crisis at the age of 47.

It emerged, that half of men felt they lost their spark for life while going through a midlife crisis, with three in 10 saying they had to make a lifestyle change to boost their energy levels once they reached middle age.

Dr Meg Arroll, a psychologist for Healthspan who commissioned the research, said: 'Reaching midlife can act as a significant milestone for many men and is a time when some men become keenly aware of their own mortality.

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