세계에서 가장 가파른 산악철도 스위스 알프스에서 개통 VIDEO: World’s Steepest Mountainside Railway Opens in the Majestic Swiss Alps
World’s Steepest Mountainside Railway Opens in the Majestic Swiss Alps
By Jessica Stewart on December 21, 2017
세계에서 가장 가파른 산악철도 스위스 알프스에서 개통
전 세계에서 가장 경사가 가파른 궤도를 다니는 산악열차(푸니쿨라)가 스위스에서 운행을 시작했다
원통 모양의 이 산악열차의 최고 경사도는 110%(경사각 47.7도)에 이른다.
1천720m 구간을 오르내리는 동안 탑승객들이 평형 상태를 유지할 수 있게 설계됐다.
전체 구간 중 오르막구간은 743m이다.
스위스 중부 슈비츠에서 슈토스산을 오르내리는 이 열차는 안전, 예산 문제로 예정됐던 기간보다
2년이 더 걸려 총 14년만에 완공됐다. 비용만 5천200만 스위스프랑(한화 573억원)이 들었다.
15일 밤 공사가 끝난 이 산악열차는 16일 지역 주민들에게 우선 개방됐고 17일부터 관광객을
대상으로 운행을 시작했다. 자료 브릿지경제
If you don't suffer from vertigo and are looking for a little thrill, you may want to book your next trip to Switzerland, which has just opened the world's steepest funicular. Connecting the town of Schwyz with the Alpine village of Stoos, the funicular climbs at a maximum gradient of 110%. The newly opened StoosBahn is fourteen years in the making, climbing a height differential of 2,440 feet over the mile-long track.
The StoosBahn's barrel design has an automatic leveling system that allows the cylinders to rotate, ensuring that passengers remain level, even at the steepest gradient. A total of 136 passengers can fit in each car to enjoy the quick 4-minute ride. The project opened two years past schedule at a cost of 52 million Swiss francs ($53 million), but the StoosBahn is still a point of pride for the railway company.
We should point out, that although the StoosBahn is the world's steepest classic funicular railway, there are other railway systems that have it beat. A classic funicular is a system where two trains connected by a cable pass each other halfway down the track, balancing each other out in a manner that lets the system function without much force. The Scenic Blue Railway in Australia has a gradient of 122%, but is an inclined lift—meaning it operates as a single train that moves up and down on a winch.
The StoosBahn funicular in Switzerland reaches a gradient of 110% as it ascends one mile to the Alpine village of Stoos.
Watch the StoosBahn, the world's steepest funicular, as it makes its ascent.