최첨단 태양광 고속도로 만드는 중국 VIDEO: China builds cutting-edge SOLAR motorway that could charge electric cars as they travel on it and melt snow in sub-zero weather

China builds cutting-edge SOLAR motorway that could charge electric cars as they travel on it and melt snow in sub-zero weather

Sunshine highway: The Chinese city of Jinan is building a two-kilometre-long solar motorway that can generate electricity

The two-kilometre-long highway, in eastern China, is formed with solar panels and 'transparent concrete'

It's strong enough for mini vans to travel on it and could charge electric cars when drivers are driving them

The smart expressway is expected to open by the end of December and will be connected to the power grid

최첨단 태양광 고속도로 만드는 중국  

동부의 산둥성 지난에 있는 고속도로 2km에 걸쳐 태양광 판넬과 투명 콘크리트로 

설치 작업을 하고 있다

이 태양광 시설물은 웬만한 차량 충돌에도 끄덕없고 전기차를 충전할 수도 있다.

이 스마트 고속도로는 이달 말에 개통예정이며 전력망과 연결될 예정이다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

By Tracy You For Mailonline

PUBLISHED: 12:39 GMT, 20 December 2017

China is set to open its first solar motorway that can generate electricity under sunlight.

The two-kilometre-long (1.2 miles) stretch of highway, situated in Jinan, could charge electric cars as they are travelling on it.

Safety measures: The road has 'transparent concrete', which has strong friction and can bear the weight of medium-size vans

The two-lane road could also warm itself up in sub-zero weather to melt the snow on top - so drivers could drive on it more safely.

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