'유역비' 디즈니 영화 뮬란의 주인공으로 캐스팅 After a Year-Long Search, Disney Has Found Its Leading Lady For the Live-Action Mulan
After a Year-Long Search, Disney Has Found Its Leading Lady For the Live-Action Mulan
November 29, 2017 by KELSIE GIBSON
디즈니 팬들에게 희소식!
올해 초 뮬란의 실제 영화 제작 계획을 발표 한 후
영화제작사는 마침내 뮬란에 가장 잘 어울리는 여배우를 찾았다.
바로 중국 여배우 유역비(크리스탈 리우)다.
할리우드 보도에 따르면 2018년 뮬란 영화의 주인공으로 선정됐다는 소식이다.
유역비는 송승헌과 연인 사이이기 때문에 한국팬들으로서는 더욱 반갑다.
S.Korean Actor and Liu Yifei couple
edited by kcontents
It's a very exciting time for Disney fans! After announcing a release date for the live-action adaptation of Mulan earlier this year, the studio has finally found its leading lady.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Chinese actress Liu Yifei (who is also known as Crystal Liu) will play the title character in the 2018 film. The 30-year-old, who previously starred in 2008's The Forbidden Kingdom alongside Jackie Chan and Jet Li and 2014's Outcast with Nicolas Cage and Hayden Christensen, beat out more than 1,000 actresses for the role. While the rest of the stars have yet to be revealed, it seems like Disney is taking a step towards a more inclusive cast, after fans signed a petition earlier this year to make sure that the beloved heroine, Mulan, wouldn't be "whitewashed."