애틀랜타 팰컨스의 홈구장인 조지아돔의 철거 영상 VIDEO: Guy Hilariously Yells at Bus After Bus Ruins His Perfect View of Georgia Dome Demolition


Guy Hilariously Yells at Bus After Bus Ruins His Perfect View of Georgia Dome Demolition

November 21, 2017 Shane Hedmond

via Youtube

프로미식축구팀 애틀랜타 팰컨스의 홈구장인 조지아돔의 철거 영상

버스에서 내려 탄성을 지르는 사람들

I'd liked to dedicate this post to Rob McKinney, member of the ConTechCrew, Georgia native, and lover of demolition videos.

Getting the perfect view of a major building demolition can get you millions of hits, or even better, shared by us right here on Construction Junkie.  Have your video get epic-ly photobombed and you’ll get even more views and definitely shared by us.

On Monday, the 26 year old Georgia Dome, former home to the Atlanta Falcons and host to the 1996 Summer Olympics, was demolished. The Georgia Dome was recently replaced by the Falcon’s new billion dollar Mercedes-Benz Stadium, which opened right across the street in September.

The morning of the demolition, I saw a video of the demolition shot by a camera that looked to be 20 or so feet off the ground.  In it, a bus pulled up and stopped right as the arena was imploding, but below camera view.  I immediately knew that someone’s day was completely ruined and I couldn’t wait to find the video on Youtube later. Little did I know it would be the Weather Channel’s camera man, who would then throw a complete and hilarious tantrum.


