캐터필러의 차세대 유압굴삭기 선보여 In Pictures: Caterpillar unveils next-gen hydraulic excavators

In Pictures: Caterpillar unveils next-gen hydraulic excavators

Caterpillar unveiled its next-generation hydraulic excavators during a press event held at its Malaga Demonstration and Learning Center in Spain

Caterpillar unveiled its next-generation hydraulic excavator range during a press event it hosted in Spain.

세계 1위의 건설장비 회사 캐터필러가 스페인에서 차세대 유압굴삭기를 선보였다.

공개된 모델은 320, 323, 320 GC 3종류

연료 소비 25% 감소

운전자 작업 효율성 45% 증가

15%의 유지관리비를 절감할 수 있게 제작됐다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

Caterpillar's three new excavator models are called the 320, the 323, and the 320 GC


Speaking at the products' reveal, Herwig Peschl, global marketing manager of Caterpillar, said: "Up to 45% efficiency improvement for the operator, up to 25% reduction in fuel consumption, and up to 15% maintenance cost reduction - this is game changing."

The new range boasts a redesigned cab, which comes with standard features like a keyless push-to-start button and a 203mm touchscreen monitor with jog dial keys for control.

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