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The 'transformer' robot set to go to war in the Ukraine next year: Phantom can be fitted with everything from machine guns to anti-tank missiles

우크라이나트랜스포머 로봇 '팬텀' 개발.

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황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

Robot was demonstrated on Monday at the Association of the US Army show

'Phantom' robot can be fitted with tank-like treads, or move about on six wheels

And, it can carry anti-tank weapons, grenade launchers, or machine guns

By Cheyenne Macdonald For Dailymail.com

PUBLISHED: 22:43 BST, 12 October 2017

Ukrainian military officials have unveiled an adaptable war robot that can switch up its mode of travel, and even the type of weapons it carries.

The Phantom ground robot can be fitted with tank-like treads, or move about on six wheels – and, it can carry anti-tank weapons, grenade launchers, or machine guns, according to DefenseOne.

The robot was demonstrated on Monday at the Association of the US Army show in Washington, D.C., and could hit the battlefield as soon as next year.

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