자신의 독특한 레고 캐릭터를 만들어 입사지원하는 취준생 Job-Hunting Creative Designer Turns His Résumé into a LEGO Minifig of Himself
Job-Hunting Creative Designer Turns His Résumé into a LEGO Minifig of Himself
By Emma Taggart on October 2, 2017
취업은 세계 어느 곳에서나 어렵다.
취업을 위해서 지원하는 곳에 최선을 다해서 이력서를 작성해야 한다.
하지만 수백통의 정성어린 이력서를 쓰지만
통과하기란 하늘의 별따기다.
크리에이티브 디자이너 앤디 모리스는 이력서를 효과적으로 홍보하기 위한
기발한 아이디어를 냈다.
취업 지망생으로 34살 먹은 사우스웨일즈 디자인과를 졸업한 그는 레고로 자신의
미니어처를 '만들었다.
이 캐릭터는 납작한 모자에 레드범버자켓과 한손에는 랩톱을 잡고 있으며
그리고 특별히 만들어진 자신의 소개 이력서가 함께 있다.
이력서 한면에는 자신의 이름과 나이 자신을 상징하는 캐릭터가 다른 한면에는
자신의 소개서가 인쇄되어 있다.
그는 1백곳 이상의 지원처에 보낼 레고 캐릭터를 확보해 놓고 있다.
이 독특한 이력서는 봉투가 아닌 작은 상자에 포장되어 지원처에 보내지게 된다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator
In today’s world, finding a job isn’t easy. To stand out from hundreds of other applicants, you have to make sure your application catches the eye of your future employer. Taking this into account, creative artist Andy Morris decided to do something different, and added a much needed element of fun to his job hunt.
The 34-year-old University of South Wales design graduate produced a miniature version of himself made from LEGO. The character wears a flat cap, a red bomber jacket and holds a laptop in one hand, with a custom-printed résumé in the other. It even features Morris’ stubbly beard.
On the reverse, the package contains his cover letter and contact details. Having previously worked in finance, Morris explains he “swapped paperwork and multi-million-pound accounts for a life of creativity” and claims he has “never been happier.”
Having taken two months to collect each individual LEGO piece for the figure, Morris now has enough to send out to one hundred potential new employers. The well thought out application—not to mention the online publicity—is sure to land Morris his dream job. For those employees who miss out on a chance to work with Morris, the clever design will at least make the recipient smile, as well as provide them with a cute new desk toy.
Morris isn’t new to using LEGO as an artistic medium though: his exhibition, Little Big Art from 2012, recreated well-known pieces of art in LEGO.
You can find more of Morris’ work via his website.
Creative designer Andy Morris builds his résumé out of LEGO.
Morris’ potential employers are invited to “unwrap” their “latest employee.”
Andy Morris: Website
h/t: [Mental Floss, Lost at E Minor]
All images via Andy Morris.