롤스 로이스, 무인 해군함 건조 추진 VIDEO: Rolls-Royce reveals plans for a fleet of self-driving naval ships that could take to the seas 'over the next 10 years'
Rolls-Royce reveals plans for a fleet of self-driving naval ships that could take to the seas 'over the next 10 years'
The crewless vessels will perform a range of missions, including mine detection
Vessel is capable of operating beyond the horizon for over 100 days
It is powered by Rolls-Royce MTU 4000 Series generators as well as solar panels
The firm believes they will be ready to hit the seas over the next decade
영국의 고급자동차 및 항공기 엔진 제조회사 롤스 로이스가 향후 10년 이상
운행할 무인 해군함 건조계획을 추진한다.
동력으로 Rolls-Royce MTU 4000 Series 외에도 태양광을 사용한다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator
PUBLISHED: 14:33 BST, 13 September 2017
In what could be the most innovative naval vessels at sea, Rolls-Royce has revealed that it is developing a range of self-driving ships.
The crewless vessels will have a range of 3,500 nautical miles, and will be used to perform a range of missions, including patrol and surveillance, mine detection and fleet screening.
The crewless vessels will have a range of 3,500 nautical miles, and will be used to perform a range of
missions, including patrol and surveillance, mine detection or fleet screening
Rolls-Royce hopes that the fleet could take to sea 'over the next 10 years.'
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