Japan is reportedly drafting a plan to get its citizens out of South Korea
Japan is reportedly drafting a plan to get its citizens out of South Korea
Japan is reportedly working on plans for how it would evacuate its citizens in South Korea if a war were to break out on the Korean Peninsula
There are about 57,000 Japanese citizens in South Korea at any one time, according to Nikkei Asian Review
Huileng Tan| @huileng_tan
Published 14 Hours Ago
omohiro Ohsumi | Getty Images
일본, 유사 시 한국 내 일본인 5만7천명 대피 계획 수립 착수
Pedestrians walk past a monitor showing a news program reporting on North Korea's 6th nuclear test on September 3, 2017 in Tokyo, Japan.
The Japanese government is drawing up plans to evacuate its citizens from South Korea in the event of a war, the Nikkei Asian Review reported on Tuesday.
That's no small feat, as there are about 38,000 long-term Japanese residents and another 19,000 tourists and short-terms travelers in South Korea, Nikkei added.
North Korea conducted its largest-ever underground nuclear test on Sunday, just days after firing a missile that flew over the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido, sharply ratcheting up tensions in the region.
"If the U.S. decided on a military strike against the North, the Japanese government would start moving toward an evacuation on its own accord regardless of whether the American plans are public," a source in the Japanese government reportedly told Nikkei.
The Japanese government is working on different scenarios to evacuate citizens in South Korea, including evacuating citizens home by sea from the southeastern port city of Busan should airports be closed, Nikkei reported.