차기 세계 최고 빌딩의 두바이 크리크 타워 기초공사 완료 VIDEO:Foundation of the World’s Next Tallest Tower in Dubai is Complete

Foundation of the World’s Next Tallest Tower in Dubai is Complete

September 1, 2017 Shane Hedmond

Dubai Creek Tower RENDERING IMAGE  source Mubasher Info

현존 부르즈 칼리파에 이은 차세대 세계 최고의 빌딩 

두바이 크리크 타워 Dubai Creek Tower

작년 11월에 착공한 두바이 크리크 타워의 기초 건설공사가  안전사고 없이 완료됐다.

기초공사 시 무려 54만 m3의 흙을 퍼냈으며 콘크리트만 21만톤 철근 1만5천톤이 들어갔다.

그리고 최대 깊이 약 70m 짜리 145개 기초파일이 시공됐다.

스페인/스위스 합작 건축회사인 산티아고 칼라트라바(Santiago Calatrava)사가 설계했으며

획기적인 360도 조망 디자인을 반영했다.

두바이 크리크 타워의 최종 높이는 아직 결정되지 않았으며 1,080m~1,324m 사이에서

결정될 것으로 보고 있다.

한국의 삼성물산이 시공에 참여했던 현존 최고 빌딩인 두바이 부르즈 칼리파 빌딩의 816m에 

비하면 비교될 수 없는 높이라는 것을 알 수가 있다.

또하나의 세계 최고층  빌딩은 사우디 제다에 건설 중인 제다타워(Jeddah Tower,킹덤타워)가 있다.

167층에 최종 높이는 1,007m(기사에는 992m)현재까지 56층이 시공됐다. 

제다타워(Jeddah Tower,킹덤타워) 출처 Wikipedi

공교롭게도 두바이 크리크타워와 사우디 제다 타워는 2020년에 동시에 준공 계획으로 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

In October of last year, officials in Dubai held a groundbreaking ceremony for the Dubai Creek Tower, a building which is expected to surpass the reigning “tallest building” champion, the Burj Dubai.   Flash forward just a few short months and over a million hours of labor have already been spent on the project, all accident free.

According to the progress report, over 6 million cubic feet of soil has been removed from the site for foundation work, over 211,000 tons of concrete have been placed, 15,000 tons of steel rebar cages installed, and one hundred forty-five 236-feet-deep concrete piles have been installed.

via Youtube

Designed by Santiago Calatrava, who is best known for his bridges, the tower will have several observation decks boasting some of the best views of the surrounding area. 

The final height of the building has yet to be announced, which is common for supertall buildings, as those involved want to avoid tipping their hand to fellow supertall building developers.  It’s expected that the tower will end up between 3,600 feet and 4,413 feet tall.  The Burj Khalifa is 2,722 feet tall.

Many are expecting the Jeddah Tower, located in Saudi Arabia, to be taller than the Dubai Creek Tower when it is completed around 2020, the same year the Dubai Creek Tower is also expected to be completed.  The initial estimate for total height for the Jeddah is 3,307 feet.  Contractors on the Jeddah Tower have already built 56 stories on the tower and you can see a bird’s eye view of the progress by clicking here.

Either way, it seems all but certain that the Burj Khalifa’s record as world’s tallest will soon be shattered.

Check out the video below to see how the foundation work on the Dubai Creek Tower was completed.




