잭이 '올해의 강아지' 상을 받은 이유 This Very Good Doggo Saved His Humans From A House Fire

This Very Good Doggo Saved His Humans From A House Fire

Jack just won Australia’s Dog of The Year for his efforts.

Leigh Campbell   

Head of Lifestyle, HuffPost Australia

24/08/2017 10:27 AM AEST | Updated 2 hours ago

강아지 '잭'은 반려동물 관리업체 '매드포'가 선정한 '올해의 반려견'이다.

호주 캔버라에 사는 잭은 무려 1,514마리의 강아지를 제치고 1위를 차지했다. 주인인 로라 길버트와 그의 애인을 화재 현장에서 구한 덕이다

어느 날 밤, 길버트 커플이 아파 누워있던 사이 이들의 집에서는 화재가 발생했다. 잭을 집 밖으로 내보던 중, 길버트의 남자친구가 켜놓은 램프가 옆에서 새던 물 때문에 불이 붙은 것.

불은 두 사람이 자던 안방까지 번졌다. 잭은 곧 주인들이 위험에 빠진 것을 알아채고, 평소와 다른 소리로 짖기 시작했다. 길버트 커플은 잭의 경고 덕에 일어났고, 겨우 화재 현장을 피할 수 있었다.

정말 대단한 기지다.

HuffPost AU  |  작성자 Leigh Campbell

Meet Jack. He's a very good boy who on Saturday the 26th was named MadPaw's Dog of the Year for 2017.

Hailing from Canberra, ACT, Jack's human Laura Gilbert entered the Golden Retriever cross Labrador into the comp and he came out on top over 1,514 pooches for his heroic efforts when he saved Gilbert and her partner from a house fire.

Late at night Jack's human parents were sick in bed asleep when the fire broke out. When letting Jack outside earlier, his human dad had turned on the backdoor lamp which had set alight due to a water leak.

The fire was spreading fast, right to the bedroom door where the couple were sleeping. Jack realised the danger and started making strange noises in a desperate attempt to alert his owners. His parents woke to Jack's noise and realised the house was on fire, just a few metres away from their bedroom.

What a very good doggo!

For a full list of state winners, check out the MadPaws website.




