폐기된 빌딩의 천정을 뚫고 나온 거대한 발 Giant Feet Crash Through an Abandoned Building’s Crumbling Ceiling

Giant Feet Crash Through an Abandoned Building’s Crumbling Ceiling

By Kelly Richman-Abdou on August 8, 2017

폐기된 빌딩의 천정을 뚫고 나온 거대한 발.

스페인의 아티스트 마리오 만키의 인간의 상태를 보여주는 독창적인 예술 퍼포먼스다. 

그는 대부분 2차원에서 작업하는 반면에  최근에는 베를린 프로젝트 '더 하우스(The Haus)'에 출품될 

거인 설치물인 에고 에렉투스(Ego Erectus) 이벤트의 일환으로 시험적인 조형물을 만들었다.

'더 하우스(The Haus)에는 165명의 아티스트들이 참여하며 5층 짜리 폐기된 베를린 은행의 내부를 단기의 

예술 전시회장으로 변모시키는 작업들을 하고 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

Interested in exploring “the eternal contradictions of the modern individual as a result of their ambitions and limitations,” Spanish artist Mario Mankey creates art that comments on the human condition. While he mostly works in two dimensions, he has recently opted to experiment with sculpture, as evident in Ego Erectus, a large-scale installation created for Berlin-based project The Haus.

A collaborative undertaking, The Haus invited 165 artists to reimagine an abandoned five-story Berlin bank's interior into an ephemeral art exhibition. For his part, Mankey created a colossal pair of feet that appeared to stomp and crash through a room's crumbling ceiling. Grey in color and rough in texture, the foot sculpture matched its monochromatic surroundings and complimented the industrial aesthetic of the decrepit office space.

Like his other profound works, Ego Erectus is intended for a “diverse, but also intimate audience.” Fittingly, for two months, visitors were able to experience the immersive installation, which was on-view until the entire building was demolished in June of 2017.

While fans of Mankey may be disappointed to learn that this three-dimensional work is no longer on view, the artist has big plans for the future. On his website, he notes that his work seeks “to establish an artistic dialogue, be it arisen from a canvas, a street mural, a comic book or whichever new challenge brought in by this relationship,” implying that his interest in avant-garde art is, fortunately, here to stay.

For Berlin-based project The Haus, Spanish artist Mario Mankey has created a sculpture of giant feet crashing through the ceiling.

Mario Mankey The Haus Giant Feet Foot Sculpture Ego Erectus

Mario Mankey The Haus Giant Feet Foot Sculpture Ego Erectus

Mario Mankey: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

h/t: [Colossal]

All images via Mario Mankey.



