‘고프로 어워즈(Gopro awards)’ 수상작 알래스카 대머리 독수리 Now That's a Birds-Eye View! Eagle Steals GoPro Camera: VIDEO

비디오 시상식 ‘고프로 어워즈(Gopro awards)’ 수상작.

알래스카 주도 주노에 위장된 고프로 카메라는 대머리 독수리의 

행동을  생생하게 촬영했다.

 This remarkable video released by the GoPro Awards shows a bald eagle that sneaks a researcher’s camouflaged GoPro in Juneau, Alaska, and  takes it for a flight to a nearby tree.

Matt Beedle set out to capture some authentic video of a gorgeous North American Bald Eagle: he brought scraps of leftover salmon to a log in the wetlands that bordered his family home, set his GoPro on a nearby stump, hit record and waited. However, the attempt ended up with a real adventure as the eagle decided to take the camera for a joy ride. Matt and his dad spent two days looking for the lost camera shaking every tree in the area until they found it.



