모토로라, 리얼타임 얼굴 인식시스템 개발 중 Real-time facial recognition could soon be used on police body cameras to catch criminals and find missing people: VIDEO

Real-time facial recognition could soon be used on police body cameras to catch criminals and find missing people

Motorola has partnered with AI startup Neurala to create new 'smart cameras'  

Smart cameras can 'learn' a face and then scan hundreds of faces looking for it 

AI-driven cameras could help police find targets in 'suspicious' environments

The companies are still in the process of developing a prototype smart camera

  리얼타임 얼굴 인식시스템이 미 경찰에 곧 보급될 전망이다.

모토로라사는 새 스마트카메라 만들기 위해 AI 스타트업 뉴랄라(Neurala)와 파트너가 됐다.

스마트카메라는 사람의 얼굴을 외우고 그 얼굴을 찾기 위해 수백명의 얼굴을 스캔할 수 있다.

AI 구동 카메라는 경찰들이 용의자를 찾는데도 도와준다.

그러나 아직은 프로토타입이 개발 진행 중이다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor


PUBLISHED: 15:32 BST, 17 July 2017 | UPDATED: 16:07 BST, 17 July 2017

Police could one day use body cameras fitted with real-time facial recognition to help them catch criminals and find missing people. 

Motorola has partnered with artificial intelligence startup Neurala to create smart cameras capable of independently searching for criminals and missing children.

The companies are still developing a prototype, but hope the AI-driven cameras could soon help police find targets in 'suspicious' or 'chaotic' environments.

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