갓 태어난 희귀 아무르 레오파드와 호랑이 새끼 Cuteness Cubed: Rare Amur Leopard Cub and Two Tiger Cubs in Crimean Safari Park: VIDEO

Cuteness Cubed: Rare Amur Leopard Cub and Two Tiger Cubs in Crimean Safari Park

via youtube

   기다리고 기다리던 희귀 아무르 레오파드와 2마리의 호랑이 새끼가 

크리미아 타이간 사파리파크에서 태어났다

  A long-awaited baby leopard was recently born in Crimea's Taigan Safari Park. 

The chubby lil’ boy named Casper made his first public appearance on July 3.

Amur leopards are among the rarest animals on the planet: there are less than 100 of them living in the wild. That is why the safari park staff was so happy to welcome their newest addition, Casper! "He is active and still blind," Oleg Zubkov, Head of Taigan Safari Park said.

The park's owner also brought two adorable tiger cubs to hang out with their mom.



