건설현장 폭발물 탐지시스템 개발 Firm unveils tech to detect unexploded bombs beneath worksites

Firm unveils tech to detect unexploded bombs beneath worksites

source Daily Mail

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  호주의 갭 EOD사가 건설현장 밑에 있는 폭발물을 탐지하는 

기술인  '울트라TEM'를 공개했다.

이 시스템은 원래 1,2차 세계대전 때의 남아있는 탄약 잔재들을 

찾기 위한 장비에 기초로 디자인됐다.

갭 EOD사는 이 시스템 개발을 위해 7년간 연구해왔으며 지표면에 

3.5M까지 확인할 수 있는 능력을 보유하고 있다.


황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

by James Morgan on Jun 27, 2017 

Gap Explosive Ordnance Disposal (Gap EOD) has unveiled UltraTEM, a technology designed to detect unexploded bombs underneath construction sites.

The system is based on equipment originally designed to locate leftover munitions following the First and Second World Wars.

source gapgeo

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Gap EOD spent more than seven years developing UltraTEM, which can identify unexploded ordnance (UXO) buried at depths of up to 3.5m below surface level.

Dr Stephen Billings, director of the Australia-headquartered company, said: “Gap EOD is now one of the only companies in the world with technology capable of finding bombs to the depths required to make areas safe for industrial, commercial, and residential development.

“We can scan up to 3.5m in depth using our UltraTEM system, which uses sensors to detect buried material. It’s a faster, deeper technique that completely redefines traditional exploration and tracing methods. It’s taken us over seven years to develop and refine the equipment,” he added.

UXO represent a threat to developers and contractors working in former conflict zones. Underground construction activities, such as the laying of pipelines, cables, or foundation works, can disturb and potentially detonate unexploded devices.

More than 83 countries, in regions such as the Middle East, Europe, North America, and Australasia, possess contaminated ground, according to Gap EOD.



