파블로 피카소가 본 대량학살 '한국 전쟁' "Massacre in Korea" was painted by Pablo Picasso in January, 1951.
"Massacre in Korea" was painted by Pablo Picasso in January, 1951.
"Massacre in Korea" was painted by Pablo Picasso in January, 1951.
파블로 피카소가 1951년 1월 그린 '한국에서의 대량학살'
1945년 8월 35년간 일본 식민지에서 벗어나 해방됐다.
기나 긴 억압 속에서 미래를 설계할 희망을 가졌지만
얼마 지나지 않이 민족 상잔의 대참극이 벌어졌다.
한국은 희망이 없어지고 절망의 숲으로 사라지고 있었다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor
A Lost Chance
In 1945, as the Second World War finally reached its grisly end, the land of Korea was liberated from Japanese occupation for the first time in 35 years. The repressed Korean nation was suddenly free to define a new future.
But this window closed fast. The geographically prominent peninsula was immediately sucked up into a power struggle between the the Soviet Union and the United States of America, the two major victors of World War Two, and a new Korean tragedy was about to begin.
The brief history that follows is an attempt to understand how the opportunity for a free and unified Korea was lost, and how the mistakes were made that led to millions of horrifying deaths and untraceable episodes of destruction, heartbreak and loss. This is a pacifist history, which means that we will not call one side "good" and another side "evil", but will instead try to understand the logic that led leaders on all sides of this disaster to believe that they were making good decisions when they were not.
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