외계인 찾아낼 수 있는 세계 최초'수퍼 망원경' 건설 Construction begins on the world's first 'super telescope' that could help astronomers find alien life: VIDEO

Construction begins on the world's first 'super telescope' that could help astronomers find alien life

The European Extremely Large Telescope is due to begin operating in 2024 

The telescope is on a 3,000 meter-high mountain in Chile's Atacama desert

It will refine astronomers' burgeoning discoveries of planets orbiting stars

It is some five times larger than the top observing instruments in use today

  유럽의 초대형  수퍼 망원경이 칠레 아타카마 사막 3천m 높이에

 2024년까지 가동 목표로 건설된다.

천문학자들은 이 망원경을 사용해 궤도를 선회하는 더 많은 행성들을 

발견하게 될 것이다.

현존 최고의 망원경 보다 5배 이상 더 규모가 크다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor


PUBLISHED: 14:21 BST, 29 May 2017

Construction has begun on a 'super telescope' that could help astronomers find alien life. 

The  European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT), being built in Chile, is designed to help astronomers peer back to the first galaxies 14 billion years ago.

When its completed, it will be the world's largest optical telescope, some five times larger than the top observing instruments in use today.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4552296/Construction-begins-world-s-super-telescope.html#ixzz4iU8RFQlu 



