심장박동 모습이 보이는 투명한 새 형태의 개구리 발견 Researchers discover incredible new glass frog so translucent you can see its heart beating

Researchers discover incredible new glass frog so translucent you can see its heart beating

The newly discovered creature was found in the Amazonian lowlands of Ecuador

It has dark green spots on its back, and red heart that can be seen through chest

Scientists warn oil extraction and road development are now putting it in danger 

  동물학자들이 새로운 형태의 개구리를 발견했다.

에콰도로의 아마존 저지대에서 발견된 이 개구리는 

심장 맥동이 뛰는 것이 보일만큼 투명한 모습을 하고 있다.

과학자들은 기름 배출 및 도로 개발들이 생태계에 큰 위험으로 

몰아넣고 있다고 경고하고 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor


PUBLISHED: 23:17 BST, 26 May 2017 

Scientists have discovered a remarkable new species of glass frog whose beating heart can be seen right through its chest.

The creature, found in the Amazonian lowlands of Ecuador, has green spots across its back and a ‘red heart fully visible’ underneath, thanks to the transparent membrane around its organs.

While it isn’t the only see-through species in existence, scientists say its markings, unusual call, and reproductive behaviour set it apart from the rest – but, they warn it may be in danger, as oil extraction and other human activities threaten its habitat.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4546706/Newly-frog-translucent-heart.html#ixzz4iI59Zx4j 


