고흐의 인생 후반기 작품 '별이 빛나는 밤'과 함께하는 아트 Art History: How Van Gogh’s ‘The Starry Night’ Came to Be and Continues to Inspire Artists

Art History: How Van Gogh’s ‘The Starry Night’ Came to Be and Continues to Inspire Artists

고흐가 인생 후반기에 그린 The Starry Night (1889)


Don McLean - Vincent (Starry, Starry Night) With Lyrics

By Kelly Richman-Abdou on May 12, 2017

Vincent van Gogh, ‘The Starry Night' (1889)

Oil on canvas, 29 x 36 1/4″

네덜란드 근대의 화가. 

17세에 암스테르담 대학 신학부를 나온 후, 숙부가 경영하는 파리의 화상(畵商)의 점원이 되었으나 상재(商才)가 없어 해고되었다. 어학 교사 5년ㆍ서점의 점원ㆍ신학 연구생 등으로 전전한 후, 1878년 복음 전도를 위해 보리나즈의 탄광지에 부임. 티푸스 환자 간호에 전력하여 건강을 해치고 부득이 귀향했다. 그곳 체재 중에 회화에 정진할 것을 결의, 1880년 12월 헤이그를 방문, 화상에서 일하는 동생 데오돌의 보조를 받아가면서 제작 활동을 했다. 1881~83년 깊은 동정이 동기가 되어, 다섯 자녀의 어머니로서 때때로 모델이 되어온 접대부 출신의 여인과 동서(同捿), 부모와는 절연케 되었다. 등 뒤에 모발을 길게 드리우고 얼굴을 가린 채 울고 있는 빼빼 마른 여나상(女裸像)의 작품 《비애(1882)》는 이때의 여인을 모델로서 그린 것이다. 1883년 9월 이후, 아우 데오돌의 권고를 따라 이 여인과 이별하고, 가족이 있는 느에빈 촌에 귀향하여 가난한 농민들을 그렸다. 1886년 3월 파리를 방문, 인상파의 영향을 받았으나 차츰 독자적인 화풍을 전개하고 이때 고갱ㆍ베르나르 등을 사귀었다. 1888~90년 남프랑스의 자연을 동경하여 아를에 이주, 친우 고갱을 초청하여 공동생활을 시작하고 서로 영향을 받았다. 그 동안 《자화상》ㆍ《해바라기》ㆍ《아를의 여인》 등 많은 걸작품을 냈으나, 과로로 인해 오래된 신경병이 발작, 동숙(同宿)의 고갱 등과 싸우고 자기 귀를 잘라 버렸다. 성 레미에의 정신 병원에 입원, 치료받는 중에도 제작을 계속하여 약 140점이나 냈다. 1890년 5월 퇴원, 파리 근교의 오베르 쉬르 와즈에 이주하여 가셰 박사의 간호를 받고, 광폭한 색채와 필치로써 최종기의 작품 《의사 가셰의 초상》ㆍ《가마귀와 밀밭》ㆍ《예술가의 상》 등을 제작했다. 계속하여 제작에 종사하던 중 돌연 피스톨로 자살했다. 그는 후기 인상파의 특색있는 3인 화가 중 한 사람으로 20세기 초엽의 포비즘(Fauvisme)에 큰 영향을 주었다.

[네이버 지식백과] 

Vincent van Gogh is arguably one of the most iconic artists of all time with a well-known and universally adored body of work. As a pioneering Post-Impressionist painter, Van Gogh played a key role in paving the way for modern art. Among his many famous paintings, The Starry Night (1889), a piece produced late in the artist's career, has a particularly important place in art history. To understand its profound impact, one must explore the context, content, and influence of the magical masterpiece.

Van Gogh Starry Night Art Post-Impressionism Famous Paintings Self-Portrait

Van Gogh Starry Night Art Post-Impressionism Famous Paintings Self-Portrait

Photo: Wally Gobetz


On top of his revolutionary oeuvre, Vincent van Gogh is known for his struggles with mental illness and consequently tragic life. Born in 1853, the artist was only 37 when he died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound while being voluntarily treated at a mental health facility in the South of France. While committed, he produced an unprecedented amount of artwork. Eventually, these pieces would be compiled into the Saint-Paul Asylum, Saint-Rémy series, which includes important canvases like his Self-Portrait with a Bandaged Ear, The Irises, Wheat Field with Crows (his last painting), and, of course, The Starry Night.

Van Gogh Starry Night Art Post-Impressionism Famous Paintings Self-Portrait

Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear (1889

The Starry Night depicts a dreamy interpretation of the artist's asylum room's sweeping view of Saint-Rémy-de-Provence. Though Van Gogh revisited this scene in his work on several occasions, The Starry Night is the only nocturnal study of the view. Thus, in addition to descriptions evident in the myriad of letters he wrote to his brother, Theo, it offers a rare nighttime glimpse into what the artist saw while in isolation. “Through the iron-barred window I can make out a square of wheat in an enclosure,” he wrote in May of 1889, “above which in the morning I see the sun rise in its glory.”

Van Gogh Starry Night Art Post-Impressionism Famous Paintings

Photo: Fine Dining Lovers

Aesthetic Importance

Rendered in the artist's characteristic, Post-Impressionist style, The Starry Night features short, painterly brushstrokes, an artificial color palette, and a focus on luminescence. This artistic approach is particularly evident in the sky, which is composed of a thickly-applied tonal collection of blue and gold hues.

Van Gogh Starry Night Art Post-Impressionism Famous Paintings Details

Brushstrokes detail

The ethereal painting's balanced composition is composed of celestial swirls, stylized stars, a radiating moon, an idyllic village, and a sky-high cypress tree. While the depiction is based on his real-life view of the village, Van Gogh took some liberties when painting it.

The hamlet, including the prominent church spire (which is thought to be inspired by the architecture of his home in the Netherlands) is entirely imagined. Additionally, he poignantly opted to remove the prison-like bars of his window, illustrating his idealized approach to the painting and, perhaps, his longing to be free.

Van Gogh Starry Night Art Post-Impressionism Famous Paintings Asylum

The view from van Gogh's room
Photo: MoMA


Currently housed by the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, The Starry Night has touched and inspired many people since its conception. In fact, some contemporary artists have even reproduced the iconic piece using original materials. These unique media include:

Salt and Spices

Jelly Beans


Photographs taken by the Hubble Space Telescope

Van Gogh Starry Night Art Post-Impressionism Famous Paintings

Torn Paper


Van Gogh Starry Night Art Post-Impressionism Famous Paintings

Similarly, some artists have replicated the painting on unconventional canvases. These include:





The Starry Night continues to resurface in new ways in the modern world.

With each passing year, it seems as though The Starry Night is reaching more and more fans and inspiring new generations of artists. Today, the renowned work of art is a must-have visual for art lovers, whether that's in the form of a beautiful wall hanging, a statement-making watch, an inspiring decal, or a quirky action figure accessory.

Van Gogh Starry Night Art Post-Impressionism Famous Paintings

Wall hanging on Amazon

Van Gogh Starry Night Art Post-Impressionism Famous Paintings

Keyboard Decal on Amazon

Van Gogh Starry Night Art Post-Impressionism Famous Paintings

Coffee mug on Etsy

Van Gogh Starry Night Art Post-Impressionism Famous Paintings

Umbrella on Amazon

Van Gogh Starry Night Art Post-Impressionism Famous Paintings

Watch on Etsy

Van Gogh Starry Night Art Post-Impressionism Famous Paintings

‘Star Wars Night’ print on Society 6

Van Gogh Starry Night Art Post-Impressionism Famous Paintings

Skirt on Etsy

Van Gogh Starry Night Art Post-Impressionism Famous Paintings

Puzzle on Amazon

Van Gogh Starry Night Art Post-Impressionism Famous Paintings

Pillow on Etsy

Ultimately, given its fascinating context, poignant history, and original aesthetic, it's no wonder that The Starry Night has had such a transcendent impact on the world of art and, equally, on the world as a whole.

