드론에서 다이빙을? Would you go 'drone-diving'? Incredible video shows daredevil drop 1,082 feet from the sky after being lifted by a 28-propeller drone: VIDEO
Would you go 'drone-diving'? Incredible video shows daredevil drop 1,082 feet from the sky after being lifted by a 28-propeller drone
28-propeller drone lifted a skydiver from a 393ft (120m) platform and carried him 1,082ft (330m) in the air
Ingus Augstkaln dropped from the drone and parachuted safely back down to the earth
Feat was done in Lativa and marks the world’s first human flight with a drone and jump at high altitude
Drone measures 34ft (3.2 sqm), boasts 16 rotors, weighs 154 pounds (70km) and can carry 440lbs (200kg)
120m 높이의 플랫폼
다름 아닌 28 프로펠러 드론이 스카이다이버를 들어 올리는 장소다.
드론은 무려 330m까지 비행한 후에 스카이다이어 'Ingus Augstkaln'을 내려놓는다.
라티바에서 실시된 이 묘기는 높은 고도에서 드론과 함께 비행한 최초의 인간이 됐다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor
By Stacy Liberatore For Dailymail.com
It could be the next big thing in extreme sports – 'drone-diving'.
Daredevil skydiver Ingus Augstkalns was lifted 1,082 feet (330 meters) into the air by a 28-propeller drone, dropped and parachuted safely back to the earth.
Although the feat makes for an entertaining spectacle, Aerones, the creator of the massive drone, foresees the unmanned aerial vehicle being used in rescue missions.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4500720/Drone-lifts-daredevil-1-082ft-skydiving-jump.html#ixzz4h18BNCKo