세계 220개의 미니 메트로맵 활용 도안 ‘220 Mini Metros’ Turns World Transit Networks into Tiny Minimalist Maps

‘220 Mini Metros’ Turns World Transit Networks into Tiny Minimalist Maps

  미국의 그래픽 디자이너 '피터 도박', 그는 자칭 '교통 매니아'다

220개의 세계 각 도시의 메트로 맵을 재미있는 시각적 컨셉으로 표현했다.

이중 뉴욕 런던 서울 등의 지하철 맵은 노선이 복잡해 도안해 넣기가 다소 까다롭다.,

컵이나 시계 심지어 옷에도 새겨 넣기도 한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor


By Jessica Stewart on May 8, 2017

American graphic designer and self-proclaimed “transit nerd” Peter Dovak has come up with an interesting visual concept for international metro maps. His project 220 Mini Metros is a clever reinterpretation of subway maps in cities across the world. Starting several years ago as an iPhone app idea, the self-taught designer later focused on icons for each city.

For the challenge, he gave himself strict requirements. Each map had to fit within a 120-pixel circle, the lines had to be 3 pixels wide with a minimum of another 3 pixels between the next parallel line, and all diagonals had to be 45 degrees. Within these restrictions, he tested himself with simple and complex transit systems.

The results are engaging interpretations that quickly allow us to see how metros unfold across the globe. Some cities, like Buffalo, Ottawa, Genoa, and Lima were straightforward with their one line systems. Others, like Seoul, Madrid, London, Tokyo, and New York, proved to be incredibly challenging to fit within the small circle.

The project is continually evolving, as Dovak updates his work when major extensions call for a revamp. 220 Mini Metros is ripe for all types of design items and Dovak has prints, mugs, and accessories for sale via Society6 and RedBubble if you are looking to add some transit-based decor to your home.

Graphic designer Peter Dovak turned 220 metro maps from across the world into clever, colorful icons.

220 Mini Metro Maps - Peter Dovak

New York City, London, and Seoul were some of the more challenging icons to create. Take a look at the finished work next to the full metro map.

metro maps peter dovakmetro maps peter dovakmetro maps peter dovak

You can buy wall art, mugs, pillows, hoodies, and more of the complete maps or individual cities.

metro maps print peter dovak

Mini Metro Color Art Print

metro maps mug peter dovak

Mini Metro – US and Canada Mug

220 Mini Metro Maps Clock Peter Dovak

Mini Metro – New York City Wall Clock

220 Mini Metro Maps Hoodie Peter Dovak

Mini Metro – Tokyo Hoodie

Peter Dovak: Website | Instagram | Society6 | RedBubble | Behance
h/t: [Arch Daily]

All images via Peter Dovak.



