자연분해되는 친환경 버블 생수병 Designers Develop Edible Water Bubble to Replace Hazardous Plastic Bottles
Designers Develop Edible Water Bubble to
Replace Hazardous Plastic Bottles
By Jessica Stewart on April 13, 2017
플라스틱의 공해는 매우 심각하다.
런던 스타트업 스키피록스랩(Skipping Rocks Lab)사는 우리가 마시는
플라스틱 생수병을 바꾸는 친환경 기술의 개발을 목표로 해왔다.
그것은 바로 먹을 수 있는 '버블' Ooho다. 여기에는 어떤 액체도 담을 수 있다.
Ooho는 삼키지 않으면 4~6주 내에 자연분해되며 향기가 나거나 색깔을 낼 수도 있다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor
With plastic pollution a serious, worldwide issue, the sooner we find excellent alternatives to plastic packaging, the better our environment will be. This is where Skipping Rocks Lab has stepped up. The London startup is aiming to change the way we drink bottled water with Ooho!, an edible bubble that can be filled with any type of liquid.
Using an edible membrane made of seaweed extract, Skipping Rocks Lab is hoping their innovation will help ease the strain of plastic waste. Dubbing it “water you can eat,” Ooho! is biodegradable in 4-6 weeks if not ingested and can even be flavored or colored. While the starting point is water, the sphere can be filled with juices, sodas, or any liquid you can drink.
Skipping Rocks Lab was founded by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) and Imperial College and aims to be leaders in seaweed based packaging. Ooho! is just the start of a mission to develop alternatives to plastic cups, plates, and plastic bottles. And with Ooho! costing less to manufacture than a plastic bottle, they are off to a good start.
Where can you get your hands on these edible water bottles? At the moment they've done events in London, San Francisco, and Boston and will be piloting Ooho! at the London Marathon and Glastonbury. As Skipping Rocks Lab moves forward, interest in the company is high, with them almost doubling the £400,000 investment they requested on Crowdcube. What do you think? Are you up for eating your water?
Made from seaweed extract, Ooho! is an edible bubble you can fill with water, making it an alternative to plastic bottles.
The edible bubble can be colored and flavored and could be used to hold juices and sodas.
Skipping Rocks Lab, the mind behind Ooho!, will be piloting the sustainable packaging at the London Marathon.
Skipping Rocks Lab: Website | Facebook | Instagram
h/t: [Designboom]