스마트 블랭킷 Smart blanket controls how warm or cool you want your side of the bed using an app: VIDEO

Could this duvet save your relationship? 

Smart blanket controls how warm or cool you

want your side of the bed using an app

Separate air chambers deliver different levels of hot air to each side of the bed

All of the Smartduvet Breeze features can be controlled from its smartphone app

The duvet is available to be shipped all over the world and costs $199 (£159)

스마트 블랭킷.

분리된 공기챔버는 침대 각 부분에 서로 다른 온도의 더운 공기를 

공급할 수 있다.

모든 '스마트듀베이 브리즈'의 기능은 스마트폰 어플로 통제된다.

전세계 어디에서도 사용가능하며 가격은 199불(한화로 22만원 정도)

상세는 동영상 참조

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

Couples in search of the perfect night's sleep can now buy a duvet that can be heated to two separate temperatures - and it will even make itself in the morning.

The Smartduvet Breeze can be controlled via a smartphone app and uses separate air chambers to deliver different levels of hot or cold air to each side of the bed.

It can also be set to automatically make itself at a specific time each day, using inflatable tubes to snap itself into shape ready for the evening.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4408588/Blanket-controls-warm-want-


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