미래의 하늘 날으는 '플라이보드 에어' Man soars in the air over blue waters on amazing hoverboard: VIDEO

Hoverboards are REAL: Breathtaking footage shows a man soaring above the ocean on a device that can reach 10,000ft- and you can hire one TODAY!

Hoverboard inventor Franky Zapata sends ripples across the sea as he zooms across the sky on his Flyboard

The futuristic Flyboard Air can soar up to almost seven times the height of the Empire State Building

Flyboard Air can hover for about 10 minutes and has a top speed of 93mph (150 km/h), its inventors claim 

호버보드 발명자 프랭키 자파타는 바다를 가로질러가며 바다에 잔물결을 만든다.

미래의 플라이보드 에어는 엠파이어 스테이트 빌딩의 7배나 되는 높이를 하늘로 솟아오를 수 있다.

플라이보드 에어는 약 10분 정도 체공할 수 있으며 최고속도는 시속 150km라고 발명자는 주장한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

A lone figure was captured soaring above the French Atlantic ocean on a super-fast hoverboard in breathtaking new footage.

Franky Zapata, the inventor of the futuristic hoverboard, is seen sending ripples across the sea off the coast of Sausset-les-Pins, France, as he zooms across the sky.

The Flyboard Air is a device that allows users to fly untethered through the sky to an incredible height of 10,000ft (3,048m), which is almost seven times that of the Empire State Building.


