1인 직조시대 연 '3D 디지털 머신' ‘Kniterate’ Knitting Machine Lets You Design and 3D Print Your Own Clothes

‘Kniterate’ Knitting Machine Lets You Design

and 3D Print Your Own Clothes

   3D 프린터로 옷을 만드는 디지털 머신이 선보였다.

이제 개인도 옷을 만들 수 있는 직조머신 시대가 열린 것이다.

좀더 구체적으로 말하면 니트 웨어를 위한 소형 뜨개질 머신이다.

'Kniterate'는 현재 Kickstarter에 의해 펀딩이 진행 중이며 스페인 디자이너 

'제라드 루비오에 의해 브랜드화했다.

3D 프린터에서 착안되었으며 포토샵 등으로 컴퓨터에서 디자인된 옷을 

몇시간만의 3D 프린터 뜨개질로 멋진 옷을 만들어낼 수 있다.

이 머신의 가격은 4699$, 약 5백만원 정도.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

By Kelly Richman-Abdou on April 3, 2017

If you’ve ever dreamed of creating your own clothes with the touch of a button, Kniterate may be the machine for you. Renowned for its compact size and accessible nature, the digital knitting machine is a futuristic alternative to outdated and expensive mechanized methods of the past.

Using an app, individuals are able to design their own garments—including beanies, ties, dresses, sweaters, and even shoes—on a piece-by-piece basis. The pattern for each article of clothing can either be made entirely from scratch or with the help of templates offered by the application. Once the design is finalized, it is sent to the machine, which employs a computer-controlled needle to magically 3D print it. It’s that simple!

Kniterate allows users to fully customize each product and bring seemingly daunting designs to life. The revolutionary knitting machine features multiple yarn carriers that can be equipped with any threads of any color. Additionally, the unique, pre-made layouts allow users to add images and text to their designs and utilize different types of stitches, making each finished product a one-of-a kind work of art. “With a library of templates and up to six feeders,” its creators explain, “you will be able to make amazing patterns, structures and shapes that would be hard to knit otherwise.”

Right now, Kniterate is still in its preliminary phase. However, it has already surpassed its target goal on Kickstarter, so you can expect to see it on the market soon!

See the prototype of Kniterate, the digital knitting machine, 


kniterate digital knitting machine 3-d printing 3d printing knitting design technology

kniterate digital knitting machine 3-d printing 3d printing knitting design technologykniterate digital knitting machine 3-d printing 3d printing knitting design technologykniterate digital knitting machine 3-d printing 3d printing knitting design technologykniterate digital knitting machine 3-d printing 3d printing knitting design technologykniterate digital knitting machine 3-d printing 3d printing knitting design technologykniterate digital knitting machine 3-d printing 3d printing knitting design technologykniterate digital knitting machine 3-d printing 3d printing knitting design technologykniterate digital knitting machine 3-d printing 3d printing knitting design technology

Kniterate: Website | Facebook | Instagram 
h/t: [Designboom]

All images via Kniterate.



