한국 DMZ 지하 대중목욕탕 국제설계공모전 당선작 BORDERS – The Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition

BORDERS – The Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition

East Asian Architectural Contest – designing at conflict lines between territories

1 Apr 2017


1st Place: Crossing Parallel(s)


한국 DMZ 지하 대중목욕탕 국제설계공모전

전세계에서 총 900명이 300개의 작품 출품

이중 미국 'STUDIO M.R.D.O. & Studio LaM'의 한국 건축가 작품이 

최종 당선작으로 선정됐다.

작품명은 'Crossing Parallel(s)'

건축가는 전진현, 송민경, 지강일이 참여했다..

차점 작품으로는

역시 미국의 중국 건축가 작품인  'Cross' 가 

또 다른 차점작으로

미국 하버드 건축대학의 김연문 이충효팀의 작품인

'Primitive Field'가 선정됐다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

Architectural research initiative arch out loud has released the winners of its’ DMZ Underground Bathhouse international open-ideas competition.

arch out loud challenged designers to explore the possibility of creating an underground bath

house within the Korean Demilitarized Zone which responded to the surrounding geopolitical

conditions. New forms of non-military architecture could occupy the border zone and begin to

ease the existing tension.

1st Place: Crossing Parallel(s)

The role tourism can play in opening relations across a border begs the question: How does architecture position itself in the middle of this condition of tension?

With nearly 300 proposals and over 900 participants from all over the world, the designers of

the DMZ Underground Bathhouse competition confronted the very sensitive zone with a variety

of poetic and sublime approaches. Program and narrative were common components in

proposals for releasing tension through the bathhouse.

The competition jury consisted of Stan Allen, Moon Hoon, Jing Liu, Lola Sheppard, Minsuk Cho,

Kristy Balliet, Anna Neimark, Seunghyun Kang, Nicholas Bonner, Yehre Suh, and Matias Del


1st Place: Crossing Parallel(s)

The winners of this competition will be featured in the second issue of the out loud journal,

“BORDERS + ARCHITECTURE”. The out loud journal features results and analysis of arch out

loud’s competitions along with an interdisciplinary collection of essays surrounding the journal


Full results for the DMZ Underground Bathhouse competition can be viewed at:


Comments are about various projects and/or the overall competition

“With such a charged setup, the competition poses difficult questions and issues for

architecture. The more successful submissions were ones that tried to address the conflict

through spatial programs, scenarios, and narratives.”

“ [The project] points to the illegibility and the illegitimacy that is experienced by one side

toward the other.”

“The projects are also gestural in creating intense metaphorical experiences in an overall

peaceful grandeur for a proposed unity.”

“The [project] offers opportunities for collective and individual experiences that intertwines in

tactical ways.”

“The powerful tension between large scale object and human body can be read as a sublime

commentary about the DMZ zone.”

“While the new entry on the ground recreates the political segment as part of the history, the

underground space introduces a new field that is multi-directional or non-directional, where

people can reorient, communicate, and unify.”

“words gallop thousands of miles without legs” “Rumors, gossips, fragments amplified into

space and spatial experience. Fear, terror, joy anger all stems from it. A great commentary of

the current situation…( I am hearing it )”

“ [The project] tells a story of relationship of human conditions with different ideologies in a

theatrical and performative manner, where space itself exists as both functioning utilitarian

bath and theater.”

“ [This project] gives a feeling of movement isolation, inability to escape, confined, controlled,

and sacred. Simplistic, emotional and powerful contrasts with the craziness of what this manmade

division represents.”

“The division of Korea, and the location, remains extremely emotional and use of this space

releases that tension.”


1st Place: Crossing Parallel(s)

Participants: Jinhyun Jun, Minkyung Song, Kangil Ji

Office: STUDIO M.R.D.O. & Studio LaM

Location: New York, New York, United States

Runner-up: Cross

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition Cross

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition Cross

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition Cross

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition Cross

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition Cross

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition Cross

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition Cross

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition Cross

– Participants: Xiaoyu Wang, Yutian Wang
Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

Runner-up: Primitive Field

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition Primitive Field

– Participants: Yeonmoon Kim, Choonghyo Lee
School: Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States

Runner-up: This Lofty Sky

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition This Lofty Sky

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition This Lofty Sky

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition This Lofty Sky

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition This Lofty Sky

– Participants: Vuk Filipic, Anna Murynka
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Runner-up: Water Whirl

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition Water Whirl

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition Water Whirl

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition Water Whirl

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition Water Whirl

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition Water Whirl

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition Water Whirl

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition Water Whirl

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition Water Whirl

– Participants: Philip Vandermey, Jessie Andjelic, David Vera
Office: SPECTACLE: Bureau for Architecture and Urbanism
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Runner-up: Hypotenuse Thermae

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition Hypotenuse Thermae

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition Hypotenuse Thermae

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition Hypotenuse Thermae

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition Hypotenuse Thermae

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition Hypotenuse Thermae

Korean DMZ Bathhouse Competition Hypotenuse Thermae

– Participants: Zhe Peng
School: Tsinghua University
Location: Beijing, China

The next arch out loud international open ideas competition is located in Tenancingo
Municipality, Mexico and is exploring how architecture can play a role in addressing the global



