암사자의 어설픈 먹이 사냥 Tourists Scream As Lion Leaps At Them With No Fence: VIDEO
멕시코 사파리 공원에서 암사자 한 마리가 관광객들을 향해 덤벼들다 자신의 '희생양'과의 거리를 잘못 판단하는 바람에 참호 속으로 떨어졌다고 데일리메일이 소개했다.
출처 유튜브 동영상 캡처
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동영상 내용으로 보아 지나가는 관광객들이 휴식을 취하는 맹수를 약올리기 시작하자 암사자가 느닷없이 사람들을 향해 자기 울타리를 둘러싸고 있는 참호를 건너뛰었지만 실패하고 말았다. 관광객들은 처음에 놀래다가 차후 암사자의 어설픔에 웃기 시작한다.
수의사들의 말에 따르면 다행히 암사자는 다치지 않았다.
엘자로 불리는 이 암사자는 최근 써커스에서 사파리공원으로 이사왔다고 언론은 전했다.
Tourists Scream As Lion Leaps At Them With No Fence
Safari park visitors were terrified when a lioness leaped at them with no fence between them.
A visitor’s smartphone video shows the lioness sitting alongside a male lion at the Bioparque Estrella in the city of Monterrey, in the north-eastern Mexican state of Nuevo Leon.
Instead of a fence keeping visitors away from the big cats, a deep, wide trench separates them.
Unlike the calm male, the lioness is in attack mode as an open-backed vehicle full of tourists drives past, eyeing the people hungrily and flexing her muscles.
She suddenly leaps off the cliff on which she is perched and attempts to soar across the wide trench separating her from park visitors.
Tourists scream but her leap is not quite far enough and she strikes the far cliff of the straight-sided trench too low to be able to clamber up.
Park keepers said the lioness was attended by vets after falling into the deep trench but they found she was not injured.
Zoo bosses said the lioness, named Elsa, had recently been rescued from a circus.
Zoo spokesman Arturo Moar claimed that there had never been any danger to the public, as the trench is seven metres (23 feet) across but lions can only jump five metres (16 ft 5 in).
However, the American Association of Zoos and Aquariums recommended in its publication Zoo Guidelines for Keeping Large Felids in Captivity that 7.6 metres (25 feet) should be the minimum width for a big cat’s moat.
Elsa’s almost-successful jump on the video was from a sitting start, with no run-up, and some believe the upper limit for a lion’s horizontal jump to be 11 metres (36 feet).