파이퍼 캐년 교량 철거작업 동영상 Watch Damaged Big Sur Bridge Fall to Canyon Below During Demolition March 23, 2017 Shane Hedmond:VIDEO


[VIDEO] Watch Damaged Big Sur Bridge Fall to Canyon Below During Demolition

March 23, 2017 Shane Hedmond

via Facebook

   캘리포니아의 유명한 도로의 파이퍼 캐년 교량이 올해 초 돌발적인 

산사태가 발생하여 철거 작업이 진행 중으로 철거 파쇄물이 깊은 계곡으로 

떨어지고 있다.



edited by kcontents


Early this year, a landslide caused catastrophic failure to the Pfeiffer Canyon Bridge along California’s famous Highway 

1.  California Transit officials closed the bridge on February 21st and announced it would be demolished and replaced.  Time is of the essence as US News reports that over 400 residents are stranded on one side of the bridge and helicopters have had to bring in food for them.  The residents are still able to use the footpaths in the area to cross the canyon.

Last week, crews made efforts to bring the bridge down with a wrecking ball, but technical difficulties were not allowing the ball to free fall correctly, so there was not enough force to force the bridge to fall. Site restrictions, including power lines, did not allow them to swing the ball. 

After the failure of the wrecking ball, contractors brought in a hoe ram to complete the demolition this week.  The video below, shared by Big Sur, California on Facebook, shows the final seconds of the demolition, as well as some great helicopter shots of the aftermath.  Originally the replacement bridge, which is being constructed by Golden State Bridge, according to The Mercury News, was supposed to take 9 months to open.  Caltrans has recently announced that the new bridge should now be open by September, cutting 3 months off the project. 




