세계에서 가장 긴 건축물 Architects Design the World’s Longest Skyscraper in New York

Architects Design the World’s Longest Skyscraper in New York


  고층 빌딩은 오랫동안 뉴욕 맨하튼 스카이라인으로 정의돼 왔지만

고층 건물에 대한 집착은 도시의 환경에 부담을  주고 있다.

건축가들은 가장 높은 빌딩의 건설 경쟁 대신 가장 긴 빌딩을 만들어내면 어떨까 


건축회사인 오아이아이 스튜디오는 새로운 개념의 빌딩 디자인을 선보였다.

그것은 위로 치솟는게 아니라 옆으로 구부러진 형태의 건축물이다..

디벨로퍼들은 지금 수퍼 슬렌더스(super-slenders)라는럭셔리 주거빌딩을 건설하기 

위해 옆의 건물들로부터 건물 상공의 사용권인 공중권 매수를 진행 중에 있다.

말발굽 모양의 이 U타입 형태의 빌딩의 길이는 1,200m나 되며 명실공히 세계에서 

가장 긴 빌딩이 된다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

By Jessica Stewart on March 21, 2017

Skyscrapers have long defined the Manhattan skyline, but an increased obsession with height is creating an unprecedented strain on the urban environment. What if instead of fighting for the prize of tallest building, architects created the longest? This is exactly what architectural firm Oiio Studio aimed for when creating its new architecture concept, The Bend.

Currently, developers are scrambling to buy air rights from neighboring properties in order to build luxury residential towers dubbed “super-slenders.” Oiio’s design, which they call the longest building in the world, is a U-shaped structure that stretches 4,000 ft. end to end.

“There is an undeniable obsession that resides in Manhattan. It is undeniable because it is made to be seen,” the architects share. “We have become familiar with building height measurements. We usually learn about the latest tallest building and we are always impressed by its price per square foot. It seems that a property’s height operates as a license for it to be expensive.”

By focusing on length rather than height, Oiio imagines a showstopping building that would literally straddle a piece of historical architecture on Billionaire’s Row, just south of Central Park. The Bend‘s façade is littered with windows. This creates a similar feel to the long, lean towers it emulates, but with an even smaller footprint.

It’s certainly an interesting solution, as community organizations, and even some architects, are alarmed by the number of supertall—between 980 feet and 2,000 feet—skyscrapers popping up in Manhattan. The concept is unquestionably an intriguing twist on both creating striking architecture and preserving the ever-changing skyline of New York City.

conceptual architecture skyscraper new york city

