미 북부에서 가장 높은 개인 주택 매물로 나와 Single-Family Home Lets You Sleep in the Sky and It’s for Sale

Single-Family Home Lets You Sleep in the Sky and It’s for Sale

  북부 미국에서 가장 높은 곳에 위치해 있는 개인주택이 매물로 나왔다.

총대지 면적 558m2(169평)으로 팔콘 네스트라고 불리우는 이 주택은

아리조나주 프레스콧에 있다.

매매 가격은 1,500,000불.

이 주택의 높이는 37m로 세계에서 가장 높은 주택인 인도의 컬라셀하우스와 

비교가 안되지만 여전히 하늘 높이 솟아있다.

3개의 침실룸, 4개 욕실룸 10층 짜리 2015년에 2,800,000불에 팔린 적이 있다.

팔콘 네스트는 1994년에 수쿠마르 팔(Sukumar Pal)에 180m2 대지에 앞이 

탁 트인 전망 좋은 곳에 지어졌다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

By Jessica Stewart on March 17, 2017

North America’s tallest single-family home is back on the market. The 6,200-square-foot house, called Falcon Nest, is located in Prescott, Arizona and carries a price tag of $1.5 million. And while the 124-foot-tall home isn’t the tallest in the world—that honor belongs to a colossal house in India—it will still get you close to the heavens.

The 3-bedroom, 4-bathroom, 10-story home was previously on sale in 2015 for $2.8 million, making the new purchasing price a steal. Falcon Nest was built in 1994 by Sukumar Pal and boasts a 2,000-square-foot solarium with uninterrupted views of the valley. The main floor radiates out in four directions, which gives 360-degree visibility and floods the living spaces with light.

And, of course, eco-friendly additions to the passive house means that the architecture is saving on more than just a small footprint. Solar panels—as well as alternative cooling, heating, and energy-generating systems—ensure the home will be powered up in any situation.

Though the interior shows signs that it may be in need of an upgrade—90s decor abound—realtors at Estately helpfully suggest it could also be transformed into an Observatory, Radio Tower, or a Holistic living center. Take the virtual tour and you’ll see the endless possibilities.

This unique real estate offering has sweeping views of the valley and is located minutes away from the city.

unique real estate falcon nest

Image via Estately

interesting real estate falcon nest

Image via Estately

At 124-feet, Falcon Nest is the tallest single family home in North America.

tallest single family home falcon nestunique real estate falcon nest

Built in 1994, the home has three bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a swimming pool, a hydraulic elevator, and a 2000-square-foot solarium.

interesting real estate falcon nest

Image via Estately

unique real estate falcon nest

Image via Estately

tallest single family home falcon nest passive houseunique homes for saleunique real estate falcon nestinteresting real estate falcon nestinteresting real estate falcon nest

interesting real estate falcon nest
Estately: Website
h/t: [Home Crux, Curbed]

All images via WSJ except where noted.



