미묘한 꿈같은 세계를 표현하는 사진작가 Minimalist Photographer Captures Dramatic Depth of Nature in Black and White

Minimalist Photographer Captures Dramatic Depth of Nature in Black and White


그리스 출신의 미니멀리스트사진작가 

'조지 디갈라키스(George Digalakis, 1960 ~)'

The natural world and subtly surreal

그의 사진테마는 자연 과 이루는 미묘한 꿈같은 세계다.

* 미니멀리스트 Minimalist

되도록 소수의 단순한 요소를 통해 최대 효과를 이루려는 사고방식을 지닌 예술가

자신이 나고 자란 아테네에서, 현직 의사로 일하고 있다.

1974년 대부(God-Father)로부터 'Nettar'카메라를 선물받았던것이 사진과의 첫인연이었다.

하지만, 그가 택한 의사라는 직업은, 그가 사진에 눈을 돌릴 틈을 주지 않았다. 

결국, 50살이 넘어가던 2011년에, 그리스의 사진잡지인 'Photoeidolo'에서 주최하는 사진교실에 참여하면서,

처음으로 정식적인 사진을 배우게 되었고, 고전과 현대의 여러 사진가들에 대해 알게된다.

그리고 그때부터, 본격적으로 사진의 매력에 빠져들게 되었다고 한다. 

많은 이들처럼, Michael Kenna의 미니멀한 사진으로부터 영향을 받은것이 사진에 드러나며,  

Harry Callahan, Giacomo Bruneli의 강렬한 어두움에 영향을 받기도 했다고 한다.

출처 http://blog.naver.com/benever/220953792751

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor


The picture-perfect portfolio of Greek photographer George Digalakis is simultaneously rooted in the natural world and subtly surreal. His photographs are shrouded in palpable stillness and mysterious melancholy. They prompt viewers to get lost in the scene and tap into their slumbering subconscious.

With a preference for landscapes and a penchant for minimalism, he skillfully and gracefully captures the understated beauty of nature. Exquisitely dreamy shots of lone trees, misty horizons, and deserted dwellings convey the artist’s uncanny ability to transform ordinary scenes and surroundings into moody masterpieces. Digalakis often utilizes the presence of natural elements (like water) to heighten the innate appeal of these environments. “Water, an element he deeply loves,” his bio states, “can be found in most of his works, but never as their central theme. Rather, he uses the water and the sky as a canvas on which he places his subjects.”

In addition to his love of lonely landscapes and atmospheric environments, Digalakis also consistently conveys his underlying emotions and artistic vision through his overall approach to the craft. He shoots solely in black and white, and often opts for a classically square composition to maintain a minimalist aesthetic.

The photographer is also a fan of employing long exposure techniques. This is a creative tactic to “move the images further away from reality.” He even views the time-consuming technique as a vital aspect of his practice, as it gives him time to “not only explore the environment, but also to feel the scene and visualize the final image.” Together, his eye for composition, his meticulous, technical approach, and his admirable appreciation for the process culminate in an expressive yet enigmatic body of work.

Scroll down to explore George Digalakis’ beautiful collection of surreal nature photography.

George Digalakis Surreal Nature Photography black and white minimalism landscape

George Digalakis Surreal Nature Photography black and white minimalism landscapeGeorge Digalakis Surreal Nature Photography black and white minimalism landscapeGeorge Digalakis Surreal Nature Photography black and white minimalism landscapeGeorge Digalakis Surreal Nature Photography black and white minimalism landscapeGeorge Digalakis Surreal Nature Photography black and white minimalism landscapeGeorge Digalakis Surreal Nature Photography black and white minimalism landscapeGeorge Digalakis Surreal Nature Photography black and white minimalism landscapeGeorge Digalakis Surreal Nature Photography black and white minimalism landscapeGeorge Digalakis Surreal Nature Photography black and white minimalism landscapeGeorge Digalakis Surreal Nature Photography black and white minimalism landscapeGeorge Digalakis Surreal Nature Photography black and white minimalism landscapeGeorge Digalakis Surreal Nature Photography black and white minimalism landscapeGeorge Digalakis Surreal Nature Photography black and white minimalism landscape

George Digalakis: Website | 500px
h/t: [Yatzer]

All images via George Digalakis.



