MIT, 강철보다 10배 강한 재료 개발 중 MIT Researchers Design A Material 10 Times the Strength of Steel: VIDEO
MIT Researchers Design A Material 10 Times the Strength of Steel
MIT, 강철보다 10배 강한 재료 개발 중
나무와 콘크리트 철근 만큼 일정하고 강한 재료들은 수세기동안 건설에서 주요 자재로 자리 매김해왔다.
그러나 이 재료들에는 장단점이 있는 만큼 연구자들이 약점을 개선하려는 노력을 지속적으로 시도해왔지만
아직은 광범위하게 사용될 수 있는 재료들은 나오지 못했다.
가장 최근에 이를 개선하려는 과학적인 돌파구가 단순히 물질 자체가 아니라 기하 구조적 측면에서 보여졌다.
과학자들은 수년동안 2중 결합을 가진 그래핀이 지구상에서 가장 강한 물질 중 하나로 알고 있다.
그러나 이를 유용한 3중 결합 구조로 변환하는 노력이 시도되고 있다.
이 재료를 연구하면서 MIT연구원들인 마커스 뷸러, 자오 친, 정광섭, 강민정 멩은 재료의 강도가 기하구조에
있다는 것을 발견했다.
이런 경우 강도를 증진시킬 뿐 아니라 무게도 줄일 수 있을 것이라고 믿고 있다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor
February 22, 2017 Shane Hedmond
As consistent and strong as wood, concrete, and steel have been for the past centuries, researchers and scientists are continually trying to improve them or create a better replacement product. Many have tried, but none have yet to succeed on a large scale. The latest scientific breakthrough takes a look at the geometry of a structure, rather than simply the material itself.
For years, scientists have known that graphene, in its two dimensional form, is one of the strongest materials on the planet. But, converting that strength into a useful three dimensional product has been a major struggle. While studying this material, MIT researchers Markus Buehler, Zhao Qin, Gang Seob Jung, and Min Jeong Kang Meng have discovered that the geometrical configuration may be more important to a material's strength the the material itself. By manipulating the structure, they believe they not only can increase the strength, but greatly reduce the weight in the process.
To illustrate their findings, the team 3D printed oddly shaped cubes of plastic and applied pressure to them. The version with thicker walls, which would seem stronger, actually failed faster than the less rigid version with thinner walls, as you can see in the video below.
“You can replace the material itself with anything,” Buehler said in a statement, referring to graphene. “The geometry is the dominant factor. It’s something that has the potential to transfer to many things.”
As it relates to construction, the team believes that the geometry discovery could be applied to concrete. By designing the concrete with the porous geometry, the weight of a concrete structure could be greatly reduced while not sacrificing any strength. The airspace within, they say, would also provide better insulation. The idea of porous concrete being beneficial does seem to contradict what other MIT researchers have previously found, however. As we shared last year, a team led by researchers from MIT, Georgetown, and CRNS in France determined that the existence of water that enters concrete through tiny pores causes concrete degradation. Controlling the size of the pores, they say, could strengthen and extend the life of concrete.
Full story: Researchers design one of the strongest, lightest materials known | MIT News