KEPCO Emerges as a Big Player in New Energy Area

KEPCO Emerges as a Big Player in New Energy Area

source 발전산업신문

edited by kcontents

February 09, 2017 13:48lFebruary 09

Korea Electric Power Corp. is beefing up its effort to foster the new energy business as a way to cope with climate change. Instead of resting on its traditional power supply business laurels, KEPCO is striving to transform itself into one of global front-runners in the areas of smart grid, micro grid, and new recyclable energy. 


Smart grid infrastructures that integrate existing power networks with ICT technology to make power networks smarter and more sophisticated are a prerequisite to maximize the energy use efficiency, as well as to provide high-quality power services. 


Based on its successful demonstration of the smart grid project between 2009 and 2011, KEPCO is now running a "smart grid station" throughout its nationwide network, including the Guri branch office. 


KEPCO's smart grid initiative is also drawing attention from overseas. In October 2015, the state-run company signed a US$3-million deal with the United Arab Emirates' Dubai Electricity & Water Authority to carry out a pilot smart grid project. 


With this deal, Korea Electric Power made its first entry into the new energy market in the Middle East. To gain a larger share in the global smart grid market, it is now looking for additional business opportunities in places like Kuwait, Guam, and Ecuador.


