미 최대 댐 여수로에 대규모 침식 발생...본댐 붕괴 위협 A gaping hole continues to grow in the spillway of America's tallest dam - causing massive erosion and threatening major overflow: VIDEO

A gaping hole continues to grow in the spillway of America's tallest dam - causing massive erosion and threatening major overflow 

  • On Tuesday, a huge hole formed in the spillway of California's Oroville Dam
  • Officials say the hole will continue to grow until it hits bedrock 
  • Right now, the spillway isn't releasing enough water to keep up with the lake's intake 
  • So there's a threat that the lake will overflow at some point on Saturday, engaging an emergency spillway that hasn't been used since the dam was opened in 1968
  • If that happens, officials won't be able to control the water flow, and it can cause even more erosion as water sweeps through vegetation on its way down to the river below  

  •   세계 20대 댐 중의 하나인 캘리포니아의 오로빌 댐(Oroville Dam) 여수로에 대규모 침식

    으로 구멍이 발생해 본댐에도 큰 위협이 되고 있다.

    이 구멍은 점차 커져 가고 있으며 기반암 바닥이 드러날 때까지 지속될 것으로 보고 있다.

    현재 도수로를 통해 저수량을 방출하지 않고 있으며 이로 인해 이번 토요일에 본댐이 넘칠 수 

    있는 위험한 상황에 처해 있다.

    따라서 1968년 이후 사용한 적이 없는 비상 여수로를 가동할 경우 물을 통제하기 어렵게 되며 

    더 큰 침식 피해가 발생할 수도 있다.

    edited by kcontents

    Water trickles down as workers inspect part of the Lake Oroville spillway failure on Wednesday, February 8, 2017 in Oroville, California

    A gaping hole in the spillway for the tallest dam in the United States grew Thursday and California authorities said they expect it will continue eroding as water washes over it but the Oroville Dam and the public are safe.

    Earlier this week, chunks of concrete flew off the nearly mile-long spillway, creating a 200-foot-long, 30-foot-deep hole. Engineers don't know what caused the cave-in that is expected to keep growing until it reaches bedrock.

    But faced with little choice, the state Department of Water Resources resumed ramping up the outflow from Lake Oroville over the damaged spillway to keep up with all the runoff from torrential rainfall in the Sierra Nevada foothills.

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