UAE 바라카 원전 마지막 콘덴서 설치 완료 ENEC fits final condenser of Barakah nuclear plant
ENEC fits final condenser of Barakah nuclear plant
ENEC announced it has installed the final condenser required for the Barakah nuclear energy plant.
아랍에미리트 원자력공사(ENEC)가 바라카 원전의 마지막 콘덴서가 설치됐다고 발표했다.
4호기에 설치된 콘덴서는 복수기·발전소 스팀 터빈에서 배출되는 증기를 물로 응축시켜주는 필수 보조기다.
한국에서 제작된 콘덴서는 길이 27m에 무게만 700톤에 이르는 에어버스 380여객기와 비슷한 무게의 거대한 철구조물이다.
현재 4호기의 공정율은 38%이며 바라카 원전 4기의 총 공정율은 76%를 보이고 있다.
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황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor
by Neha Bhatia on Feb 8, 2017
Construction works for the project are 76% complete.
Unit 4, for which construction began in 2015, is more than 38% complete.
The condenser installation marks the last such development at the UAE’s first nuclear power plant.
Made in South Korea, the condenser features three sections, each measuring 27m in length and weighing 700 metric tonnes, the equivalent of almost two Airbus A380 jets.
The three sections were assembled next to the turbine building of Unit 4 using a system of hydraulic jacks and complex winches and rollers.
In a nuclear reactor, nuclear fission creates heat, which turns water into steam. The pressure of the steam turns a turbine, which then spins the generator that produces electricity.
A condenser cools the steam back into water, allowing the process to be repeated continuously.
Barakah's condensers are specifically modified according to the environmental conditions of the Gulf region, the ENEC said.
As per the regulations set by the UAE's Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation, the temperature of the discharge water must not be more than 5°C above the ambient temperature.
The condenser’s 85,000 titanium and super stainless steel tubes will have a volume of 6,000 m3 of seawater passing through them per minute when the plant begins to generate electricity.
"The successful installation of the condenser is a major milestone in the construction of the fourth unit at the Barakah nuclear energy plant," Mohamed Al Hammadi, CEO of ENEC, said according to WAM.
"The Barakah plant now has four of the region’s largest condensers safely and effectively installed."