프랑스 플라망빌 원전 폭발사고 발생 Explosion at Flamanville nuclear power plant, several people injured: VIDEO

Explosion at Flamanville nuclear power plant, several people injured

source rt.com

source rt.com

  프랑스 부부의 플라망빌 원전에서 폭발 사고가 발생해 최소 5명이 경상(중독)을 입었다.

플라망빌 원전의 원자로 1기 가동이 중단됐으며 방사능 누출은 없는 것으로 밝혀졌다.

퀘스트 현지 신문에 따르면  아침 10시경 원전 엔진룸에서 폭발이 발생하자 소방관들은

화재 경보를 발령했으며 구급차가 현장으로 출동했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor




An explosion has erupted at EDF’s Flamanville nuclear power plant in northern France. At least five people suffered light injuries in the blast.

Authorities have confirmed that one reactor has been stopped adding there is no nuclear risk. The fire is the process of being contained.

According to Ouest France newspaper, firefighters were alerted to a fire and an explosion in the engine room around 10am local time and emergency services were sent to the location.

The plant lies 105km from the UK mainland and between 40-50km from Guernsey and Jersey in the Channel.



