마분지로 만들어진 세계 최초의 스프링식 즉석 카메라 Introducing the World’s First Folding Camera Made Entirely Out of Cardboard: VIDEO

Introducing the World’s First Folding Camera Made Entirely Out of Cardboard

   많은 사람들은 클래식한 빈티지 카메라를 좋아하지만 즉석 필름의 편안함을 갈망한다.

 스프링식 카메라는 원래 19세기 말에 처음 선보였다. 

졸리룩 즉석 카메라는 세계 최초의 마분지로 만들어진 스프링식 카메라로 독창적이고 친환경적인 

디자인을 가지고 있다.

아날로그 메탈플라스틱 카메라처럼 작동하지만 두꺼운 종이와 얇은 마분지로 만들어졌다.

따라서 바디와 셔터 조리개등은 쉽게 재활용 할 수 있다.

우크라이나 스타트업에 의하면 졸리룩 즉석 카메라는 바나나 껍질 만큼이나 환경에 취약하다.

카메라 사용법은 여는 스프링식 카메라와 동일하다.

1998년 후지필름이  개발한 즉석카메라용 인스탁스필름을 사용하며 10가지의 컬러를 소화해낸다.

현재 킥스타터를 통해서 크러우드 펀딩을 런칭 중에 있으며 목표액은 1만5천불이다.

이 행사가 성공적으로 끝날 경우 최소 29불을 기부하는 사람은 졸리룩 즉석카메라와 필름1박스를 

올해 중순 내에 받아볼 수 있다.

현재 Kickstarter.를 통해서 사전 예약 판매 중에 있다.

Jollylook: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Kickstarter

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

By Sara Barnes on February 1, 2017

Many people love the way vintage cameras look, but they crave the convenience of instant film. For those who appreciate the mashup of old and new, the Jollylook camera is an exciting prospect. Using a retro, steampunk-inspired aesthetic, the fold-out camera mimics designs that first gained popularity in the late 19th century. But just because it borrows from that era doesn’t mean it’s stuck a hundred years behind. Jollylook has an ingenious, eco-friendly twist; it’s the first camera of its kind to be made entirely from cardboard.

The Jollylook works just like an analog plastic and metal camera, but its components are made from thick paper and laminated cardboard. Together, the body, shutter, and aperture are easily recyclable. According to the Ukranian startup, “Jollylook is as dangerous to the environment as a banana peel.”

Using the camera is the same as any other fold-out device. First, set the lens position to landscape, group, macro, or portrait. Then, choose the aperture and pull out the viewfinder. Look through the viewfinder to frame the composition and press the shutter-release button. Afterwards, the film is developed by turning its handle. “The rollers break the capsule with the processing liquid,” Jollylook explains, “and initiate the developing process.” In just a few minutes, a picture is ready.

Jollylook uses readily available Instax mini film in their device, which will produce 10 colorful prints. For those who want their own cardboard camera, Jollylook is currently taking pre-orders through Kickstarter.

Vintage-Inspired Jollylook is World's First Fold-Out Camera Made of CardboardVintage-Inspired Jollylook is World's First Fold-Out Camera Made of CardboardVintage-Inspired Jollylook is World's First Fold-Out Camera Made of CardboardVintage-Inspired Jollylook is World's First Fold-Out Camera Made of Cardboard

The viewfinder pulls up from the body of the camera…

… and snaps back in once the shutter is pressed.

The camera uses Instax mini film.

Vintage-Inspired Jollylook is World's First Fold-Out Camera Made of Cardboard

Here’s how the pictures look:
Vintage-Inspired Jollylook is World's First Fold-Out Camera Made of Cardboard

Vintage-Inspired Jollylook is World's First Fold-Out Camera Made of CardboardVintage-Inspired Jollylook is World's First Fold-Out Camera Made of CardboardVintage-Inspired Jollylook is World's First Fold-Out Camera Made of Cardboard

Jollylook: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Kickstarter
h/t: [PetaPixel]


