플리어시스템(FLIR), 열 화상 카메라 업그레이드 발표 FLIR Updates Thermal Imaging Smartphone Accessory for Pros: VIDEO

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  건설현장에서 열감지 화상 카메라는 매우 유용하게 사용된다.

열감지 화상 카메라 전문제조사 플리어시스템(FLIR)은 이번에 기존의 열감지 화상 카메라 

모델과 예전의 FLIR ONE mobile 액세서리를 Gen 3 Pro 모델과 함께 새로운 사양으로 

업그레이드하여 발표했다. 



그리고  일반카메라 크기인 FLIR C3도 같이 공개됐는데 C3는 조밀한 부분을 정도 높고 

정교하게 감지한다. 

또한 액션 캠을 연상케 하는 FLIR Duo도 크리스마스에 아이들에게 선물하기 좋은 

드론 쿼드콥터에 장착하게 된다.

FLIR ONE PRO 은 399불부터 있지만 성능에 매료되면 좀더 높은 사양의 제품에 구매

욕구가 생길 것이다.

30만원대(VAT별도) FLIR TG135 스팟 열화상 카메라



FLIR C3 = $699

FLIR Duo - $999

열감지 화상 카메라는 화씨 4도~248도까지 측정이 가능하다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

FLIR Updates Thermal Imaging Smartphone Accessory for Pros)


Announced at the start of the new year, FLIR has released specs on its new and updated line of thermal imaging devices and accessories.  We have talked about the many reasons that contractors should use a thermal imaging camera and the FLIR ONE mobile accessory in the past and it has returned in 2017 with a new Gen 3 Pro Model.  They have also announced their FLIR C3, which is the size of a standard digital camera, offering great accuracy and detail in a compact form.  Lastly, FLIR is also offering the FLIR Duo, which will remind you of an action camera. Intended to be used on that fancy new drone quad-copter you got your kids for Christmas. 

The FLIR ONE Pro is the most accessible option to most construction professionals, and for most this product will fulfill most all of your needs.  Starting at $399, it's a pricey phone accessory, but when you see all that this device is capable of, it starts to take the sting out.   The camera can measure temperatures on any spot in the view between -4F and 248F.  The ONE Pro also fits Apple and Android devices and with its "ONEFIT" adjustable connector.  It will even fit without having to remove your Otterbox or LifeProof case.  This includes tablets and other mobile devices.

Along with its companion app that can be downloaded from the app store (FLIR ONE App),  additional features can be added to the camera, including: Panorama, TimeLapse, and CloseUp.  One of the great features that comes with the FLIR ONE is "Ask Another Pro," which allows you to connect with certified thermographers around the world for a second set of eyes on your project.  They can help answer any questions you may have on your thermal images.  

Moving up to the next tier, FLIR is also offering the new C3 compact thermal imaging camera.  With more features and range than the mobile FLIR ONE, this is your next step for more accurate readings.  Perfect for facilities maintenance, HVAC, or electrical repair.  This camera is small enough to fit in your pocket and with its built in Wi-Fi you can instantly share images to you mobile or desktop.  This technology also allows you to stream videos via FLIR Tools over the web to share your discoveries back with the office.

Both of these devices will be available Q2 of this year! 


FLIR C3 = $699

FLIR Duo - $999


