가로등 불빛에 어울어진 눈 덮힌 나무 위 수천마리 새떼 장관 Amazing Photo Captures Thousands of Birds on Snowy Treetops

Amazing Photo Captures Thousands of Birds on Snowy Treetops

By Jessica Stewart on January 18, 2017

눈에 덮힌 나무에는 늘 마음을 빼앗긴다.

포틀란드 경찰서의 과학수사대 워커 버그는 사무실 창 밖을 무심코 

내다 봤을 때 믿기지 않는 광경이 연출됐다.

눈 덮힌 나무 위에는 수천마리의 찌르레기가 온통 모여 앉아있었다.

마치 참깨 넣은 라이스 처럼

버그는 이 광경을 놓칠세라 니콘 700D를 얼른 잡고 사진을 촬영했다.

가로등에 비친 이 멋진 모습은 보는 이의 눈을 사치스럽게 만들었다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

Snow covered trees are always eye catching, but CSI Walker Berg of the Portland Police Bureau was in for an exceptional view when he glanced out his window. Thousands of black starlings had congregated on the tree tops, creating a surreal scene that looks a bit like sesame rice.

Fortunately for us, Berg grabbed his Nikon D700 and snapped this incredible image before the murmuration of starlings flew off. With the trees lit up by street lamps, it’s almost as if the birds are sitting on nature’s lightbox.

After posting the image, titled Crows on Snow, to the Portland Police Bureau Facebook and Twitter, the image instantly went viral. A matter of being in the right place at the right time, Berg’s delightful image proves that even the police can have an eye for photography.

A close look reveals that the birds are most likely black starlings, which congregate by the thousands, rather than crows.

crows on snow walker berg portland police birds in snow starlings

h/t: [Colossal]

All photos via Walker Berg – Portland Police Bureau.


