Liebherr used for Dubai Culture Village project

Liebherr used for Dubai Culture Village project

by Jumana Abdel-Razzaq on Jan 8, 2017 

Delta Foundations Co, a UAE-based piling contractor, has announced that it will be using its first Liebherr rotary drilling rig on a four-month contract to install the piling for a four-star hotel at Dubai’s Culture Village development.

The company was awarded a contract for the driving of 200 bored piles underneath the basement level, which it will complete using its LB 20 compact rig.

The basement excavation for the four-star hotel has already been completed, as well as a diaphragm wall constructed around the perimeter.

Delta’s project engineer Mohamed Osama said this is the first project on which the Liebherr LB 20 has been used.

He said: “We have been using other brands of rotary drilling rigs, but we needed to invest in a new machine and were impressed by the specifications of the LB 20.

“This contract is therefore very much a learning process for us.”

The machine is being used in a rotary Kelly configuration, with a casing oscillator.

The LB 20 works at a maximum torque of 230 kNm, which allows for a fast drilling cycle, and with a Kelly drilling configuration can reach a depth of 52m.

A mixed-use development being built alongside Dubai Creek, plots of land have already been allotted to a number of developers at Culture Village for the construction of apartment buildings, hotels, retail space, offices, a mosque, and a museum.



