2016년 세계 평화지수...한국은? Eye-Opening Map Reveals the Most Peaceful Countries in the World
Eye-Opening Map Reveals the Most Peaceful Countries in the World
세계 어느나라를 여행해도 늘 안전에 대한 생각을 하게 된다.
여기에 가장 안전하고 평화로운 나라의 순위가 표시되어 있다.
세계 최고로 안전한 도시는?
한국의 평화지수는?
총 163개국 중
미국 103위
호주 15위
칠레 27위
러시아 151위
중국 120위
아이스란드 1위
시리아 163위
호주(15위)와 비슷한 상위군에 속해 있다.
일본은 최상위군에 속해 있다.
지진을 빼면 굉장히 안전한 나라에 속한다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor
By Sara Barnes on December 27, 2016
No matter where you live, safety is something that’s on your mind. This is heightened when you travel. Going to a foreign place can be nerve-wracking, especially if you fear what’s around you. To give you an idea of which countries excel in safety this year, Visions of Humanity created the Global Peace Index 2016. The eye-opening map ranks nations around the world in various degrees of safeness.
There are 163 countries ranked on the Global Peace Index, placed there according to “23 qualitative and quantitative indicators.” These include terrorism impact, perception of criminality, and political instability, which make up a cumulative score and are put into a “States of Peace” array. The range goes from Very Low to Very High in safety.
So, what countries are the safest? Iceland, Denmark, and Austria all top the list with their scores—one being the highest, five being the lowest—at 1.192, 1.246, 1.278, respectively. New Zealand, Portugal, and the Czech Republic aren’t far behind, as are Switzerland, Canada, and Japan. If you live in these countries, you can breathe a little easier. Or if you’re planning a trip, consider exploring these places on your next adventure.
See some glimpses of the map, below. The Global Peace Index is a fully interactive site, so check it out to experience the whole thing.
Where does your home fall on the peace index?
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h/t: [Thrillist]
All images and screenshots via Visions of Humanity.