크리스마스 선물, 유기동물에 집 마련해주기 Animal Shelter Celebrates Empty Kennels After Finding Homes for All of Its Dogs

Animal Shelter Celebrates Empty Kennels After Finding Homes for All of Its Dogs


매년 크리스마스 시즌마다 동물 구호소는 하나의 목표를 가지고 있다.

유기 동물에게 영원히 살 집을 마련해 주는 것이다.

특별한 행사 등을 통해서 많은 동물에게 집을 마련해 줄 수도 있다,

미 콜로라도에 있는 동물구호소 'Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region"는 

올해 특별히 2일의 휴가기간동안 유기동물들에게 집을 알선해주기로 했다.

동물 구호소는  12월 18일부터 말일까지 모든 5살 이상의 고양이와 강아지 입양료를 받지 않기로 했다.

이 이벤트는 반나절도 안돼 성공적으로 끝났고 팀들은 이를 기념해 빈 강아지집에서 사진 촬영을 했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

By Kelly Richman-Abdou on December 22, 2016

Every Christmas season, animal shelters have one goal: to give each of their rescues a home for the holidays. Through special campaigns and festive events, refuges are often able to re-home many of their animals in need. For the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region, a Colorado shelter, this year has been extra special. For two consecutive days, they managed to find forever homes for all of their adoptable dogs.

From December 18 through the end of the month, the shelter promises to waive all adoption fees for cats and dogs over 5 years of age as a part of their “Home for the Holidays” promotion. While the special event is not even halfway over, it has already proven tremendously successful, as they have seen entirely empty dog kennels for two straight days. On their Facebook, they celebrated this triumphant outcome with a short and sweet video and precious post:

“What happens when your last available dog gets adopted? Your staff and volunteers jump into the kennels to celebrate! We’ve adopted out 25 cats and 23 dogs so far during our #HomefortheHolidays promotion, and for the second day in a row, we’ve adopted out ALL of our available dogs! We’ll have more dogs available later tonight or tomorrow. Keep those adoptions coming!”

Of course, like all animal shelters, the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region is constantly welcoming new arrivals, so you can be sure they will have ample adoptable furry friends throughout their Home for the Holidays campaign (and beyond). To check out all of their darling dogs, cats, and other lovable potential pets, you can visit their Adopt A Pet page.

Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region Animal Shelter Christmas AdoptionsHumane Society of the Pikes Peak Region Animal Shelter Christmas AdoptionsHumane Society of the Pikes Peak Region Animal Shelter Christmas AdoptionsHumane Society of the Pikes Peak Region Animal Shelter Christmas Adoptions

Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter 
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All images via Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region.


