전설적 미 패션사진작가 '로드니 스미스' 68세로 별세 Remembering the Legendary Rodney Smith (1947-2016)

Remembering the Legendary Rodney Smith (1947-2016)


전설적인 패션 사진작가 '로드니 스미스(Rodney Smith)'

그가 12월 5일 68세의 나이로 세상을 하직했다. 

그를 좋아하고 기억하는 사람들은 쉽게 잊지 못할 것이다.

그는 1975년에 Yale대에서 사진을 전공했으며, 젊은시절, 이스라엘과 

인도, 프랑스등을 돌며 수많은 사진을 담아왔다.

그렇게 50년가까운 세월을 자신만의 개성적인 흑백사진으로 커리어를 

쌓아온 사진 작가다.(2002년쯤에야 처음 컬러필름 사용) 

그는 독특하게도 Hasselblad 501카메라에 120mm(medium format)필름,

80mm렌즈를 고집해 왔다.

그의 사진에 대한 개인적 느낌은

고전적인 재료와 미니멀한 구성으로 시간과 공간에 구애받지 않는 보편적인 

감성을 주며, 기발하거나 낯선 효과가 한가지쯤 섞여있어 보는 재미를 주는 

사진이라 말할 수 있다.

예일대학에서 강의를 했으며 

The NY Times, Vanity Fair, Esquire, New York Magazine, Ralph Lauren 등과 작업을 해왔다. 

참조 자료 http://blog.naver.com/benever/220658984432

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

1By Pinar on December 15, 2016

We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of fashion photography legend Rodney Smith. He passed away in his sleep on December 5th at the age of 68. He may be gone but he won’t easily be forgotten. We remember Smith for his wonderfully inspiring life’s work. We’ve written about the influential creative several times over the years, always finding ourselves transfixed by his timeless sense of beauty. Smith had a gift for capturing elegant moments that resonate with people from all walks of life. His work has undeniably left an impression on the world of photography, inspiring several generations of budding creatives.

Over the years, we were lucky enough to make contact with Smith and celebrate his visionary work. We even had the privilege of interviewing the late great, in which he generously offered his firsthand wisdom, gained through an illustrious, 45-year-long career. And, remarkably, his accomplished portfolio is made entirely of film. Smith never transitioned into digital. He held onto the art of analog film for the entirety of his career—something truly worth noting and applauding.

Rodney Smith photographyRodney Smith photography

On a personal note, I’ve had the distinct pleasure of meeting Mr. Smith this year, at his most recent book launch in New York. Just to be in the same room with him was a unique honor. His presence was greatly appreciated by all who showed up, and he was equally humbled by everyone’s attendance.

During the Q&A portion of the evening, he was poised yet down-to-earth, welcoming, extremely generous with his answers, and above all else: refreshingly honest. His love for photography was evident and he was entirely unapologetic about his loyalty to working exclusively with film. As someone who greatly admired his work before, I found new respect for the man. His passion was infectious and inspiring.

Rodney Smith photographyRodney Smith photography

Rodney Smith’s body of work speaks for itself. It sets him apart. And yet, the iconic photographer leaves us all with words of encouragement:

“I kind of represent a world that is possible if people act at their best. It’s a world that’s slightly beyond reach, beyond everyday experience, but it’s definitely not impossible.”

Rodney Smith photographyRodney Smith photographyRodney Smith photography

Rodney Smith: Website | Facebook


