These 11 Photos of People With Albinism Are So Stunning

These 11 Photos of People With Albinism Are So Stunning

edited by kcontents

By Brooke Shunatona

Nov 22, 2016

Israel-based photographer Yulia Taits calls herself a "Photoshop artist" because of her ability to manipulate photos into fantasy using the editing software. But for her photo series "Porcelain Beauty," in which Yulia captured the beauty of individuals with albinism (a condition that reduces pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes), she chose not to edit the photos at all.

Yulia took to Facebook to explain her project and said, "This beauty is so pure and amazing for me, as if it was taken from fantasies and fairy tale legends ... All of the photographs were taken in white tones with no additional coloring. I'm excited to prove that white is not just one color! It has many tints, shades and beautiful tones."

Scroll below to see all 11 gorgeous photos in the series


