샌프란시스코 베이교 개통 80주년 San Francisco’s Bay Bridge celebrates 80th birthday (VIDEO)
산업과학 Construction,Science/해외동향 Global Project2016. 11. 22. 20:56
San Francisco’s Bay Bridge celebrates 80th birthday (VIDEO)
AT&T san francisco stadium and San Francisco’s Bay Bridge
Photo by Peter Stackpole, OMCA.
샌프란시스코 베이교 개통 80주년
1933년 착공해 1936년에 완공됐다.
이 교량이 건설되기전에는 오클랜드~샌프란시스코를 페리가 운행했으며
1928년 한해에만 28백만명이 사용했다.
최근에 동측구간이 재건되어 2013년 완공됐으며
칼트란(캘리포니아 교통국)은 2018년까지 기존 교량구조물을 철거할 예정이다.
아래 동영상은 교각 E5의 폭파 철거 동영상이다.
8천파운드의 폭약이 3초도 안돼 구조물을 폭파한다.
샌프란시스코 베이교는 금문교와는 다른 교량으로 샌프란시스코~오클랜드구간을
금문교는 샌프란시스코~마린카운티 구간을 연결하고 있다.
source Historia con Mapas
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor
Kerry Clines | November 16, 2016
The Bay Bridge celebrated its 80th birthday on Saturday, Nov. 12. According to a report from SF Gate, construction of the $77 million project began July 9, 1933 and was completed in 1936. Prior to its completion, ferries carried Bay Area residents between Oakland and San Francisco, with an estimated 46 million passengers in 1928 alone.
More recently, the eastern span of the Bay Bridge was rebuilt, having been completed in 2013. The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has been removing the original eastern span since that time and expects to remove the last pieceby 2018, abc 7 News reports.
Pier E5 of the Old Bay Bridge was imploded in less than three seconds using 8,000 pounds of explosives, which Caltrans says reduces the environmental impact and costs to taxpayers. Pier E4’s implosion took place on October 29 using approximately 12,000 pounds of explosives. Last November, Pier E3, the largest of the marine foundations, was removed. In the Fall of 2017, Caltrans plans to demolish Piers E6 through E11, and Piers E12 through E18, the last pieces of the original eastern span, will be removed in late 2018.
The video below shows the implosion of Pier E5.