노벨문학상 수상자 '밥 딜런', 시상식에 '선약'있어 불참 통보 Bob Dylan confirms non-attendance at Nobel Prize ceremony
스웨덴 한림원,
16일 “딜런이 편지 보내"
올해 노벨문학상 수상자로 선정된 미국 싱어송라이터 밥 딜런(73)이 노벨상 시상식에 참석하지 않을 것으로 보인다.
Dylan was named the recipient of the 2016 Nobel Prize for Literature in October source bbc
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노벨문학상을 주관하는 스웨덴 한림원은 16일 “딜런이 편지는 보내 내달 10일 개최되는 노벨상 시상식에 불참하겠다고 밝혔다”라며 이같이 밝혔다.
딜런은 편지에서 “개인적으로 다른 약속이 있어서 불운하게도 불참하게 됐다”고 밝힌 것으로 알려졌다.
가수로는 처음 노벨문학상 수상자로 선정된 딜런은 지난달 13일 선정 사실이 발표된 후 줄곧 한림원의 전화를 받지 않고 따로 공식 입장도 내놓지 않는 등 침묵을 지키다가 보름이 지난 지난달 28일에야 수상 수락 의사를 밝혔다.
한림원 측은 한림원과 언론의 연락을 피하고 침묵으로 일관한 그의 행동을 두고 “무례하고 건방지다”고 비판하기도 했다.
강주형 기자 cubie@hankookilbo.com 한국일보
Bob Dylan confirms non-attendance at Nobel Prize ceremony
16 November 2016
Bob Dylan will not travel to Sweden to receive his Nobel Prize for Literature in person, it has been announced.
The Swedish Academy source yna.co.kr
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The Swedish Academy, which awards the Nobel prizes, said it had received "a personal letter" saying he was unable to attend next month's Nobel ceremony "due to pre-existing commitments".
Dylan, the organisation said, felt "very honoured" and wished he could receive the prize personally.
The singer is required to give a Nobel lecture between now and next June.
'New poetic expressions'
The 75-year-old will not be the first recipient of the prestigious award to have been a no-show at the prize-giving ceremony.
Harold Pinter and Doris Lessing, winners of the prize in 2005 and 2007 respectively, were among others who did not attend the event.
"The prize still belongs to them, just as it belongs to Bob Dylan," the Academy said in a statement.
"We look forward to Bob Dylan's Nobel lecture, which he must give - it is the only requirement - within six months counting from December 10, 2016."
Dylan's win was a major talking point when it was announced last month, as was his apparent silence on the matter.
Some interpreted this as a sign he was ambivalent about the award, though the Academy later said he appreciated it "so much".
The veteran rock star was awarded the prize "for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition".
The Nobel Prize award ceremony and banquet will be held in Stockholm on 10 December, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death.